University of Bahrain
Scientific Journals

A Systematic Framework To Enhance Reusability In Microservice Architecture

Show simple item record AIT SAID, Mehdi BELOUADDANE, Lahcen MIHI, Soukaina EZZATI, Abdellah 2024-03-23T14:20:33Z 2024-03-23T14:20:33Z 2024-03-23
dc.identifier.issn 2210-142X
dc.description.abstract In the ever-evolving field of software engineering, the concepts of software reuse and Microservices Architecture (MSA) have emerged as fundamental pillars reshaping development methodologies and project outcomes. Recognizing the transformative potential of these paradigms, our research endeavors to delve deeper into their intersection, particularly focusing on enriching reusability practices within the context of MSA. To achieve this objective, we have identified and meticulously addressed five challenges that often impede optimal reusability in MSA environments: Code Duplication, Technology Heterogeneity, Service Boundaries, Versioning, and Decision-Making. Leveraging insights gleaned from practical experiences, we propose the Reusable Microservices Framework (RMF), a robust and comprehensive development process meticulously crafted to systematically tackle these challenges. Developed in close collaboration with MSA practitioners deeply invested in advancing reusability practices, the RMF embodies a synthesis of expert recommendations and industry best practices. Our validation process encompasses a multifaceted approach, ranging from a simulated environment to real-world implementation, including the adoption of the RMF within a software company. Through rigorous validation exercises, our findings unequivocally demonstrate the transformative potential of the RMF, showcasing significant enhancements in reusability metrics that exceed expectations by over threefold. By offering actionable insights and a practical framework honed through empirical validation, our study presents a compelling roadmap for harnessing the power of reusability to unlock the full potential of MSA. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Bahrain en_US
dc.subject Microservice Architecture, RMF, DDD, MDD, Reusability en_US
dc.title A Systematic Framework To Enhance Reusability In Microservice Architecture en_US
dc.volume 16 en_US
dc.issue 1 en_US
dc.pagestart 189 en_US
dc.pageend 203 en_US
dc.contributor.authorcountry Morocco en_US
dc.contributor.authorcountry Morocco en_US
dc.contributor.authorcountry Morocco en_US
dc.contributor.authorcountry Morocco en_US
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation Hassan first University en_US
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation Hassan first University en_US
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation Hassan first University en_US
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation Hassan first University en_US
dc.source.title International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems en_US
dc.abbreviatedsourcetitle IJCDS en_US

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