04. Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciences

e-ISSN 1726-5231​​
​Frequency: 4 issues annually
No Publication fee


The Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciences (JEPS) is a quarterly journal (March, June, September and December). It is a peer-reviewed publication for educators in all areas of education. It seeks articles on the issues affecting, promoting and exchanging good practices within all areas of education, to bring about improvements in, and a better understanding of, practices of teaching, learning, assessment, curriculum development, technology, physical and psychological education. The journal welcomes contributions, in Arabic and English, from academics and researchers.​


The mission of this journal is to provoke rigorous, open, and inclusive engagement with the challenges of contemporary approaches to research in all areas of educational and psychological sciences. As a peer-reviewed journal, we aim to provide researchers, writers, academic professors and students with the most advanced research achievements in a broad range of areas of education, and facilitate the academic exchange between them. Published materials can be copied and distributed without obtaining permission, as long as a correct citation to the original publication is given. At this journal we hope and intend to ensure that your publishing experience goes as smoothly as possible so that you can focus on what really counts.​​

Aims and scope

The Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciences (JEPS) is a multi-disciplinary journal in subject-content education that focuses on the study of teaching and learning in science, mathematics, technology, languages, educational measurements, physical education and educational psychology. As a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers, it is positioned to promote research and educational development, as an important academic exchange platform. Moreover, researchers can be aware of the most up-to-date academic trends in the rapidly evolving field of education around the world, and therefore seek valuable primary sources for reference.
JEPS is dedicated to publishing high-quality papers that describe the most significant and cutting-edge research in all areas of education. In addition to primary research, JEPS also publishes reviewed articles, commentaries and book reviews.
JEPS is committed to publishing top-tier original research in all areas of education through a fair and rigorous review process.​

Editor in Chief
  • د. عبدالعزيز محمد بوليلة

  • Managing Editor
  • د. موزة عيسى الدوي

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    Review Process ​

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    Search Results

    Now showing 1 - 10 of 725
    • Item
      Thinking Styles of Student in Faculty of Education: A Comparative Study
      (2017-09-01) Douba, Zain E.; Department of psychology Damascus University; Syria
      The purpose of this study was to identify the most prevalent thinking profiles and styles of the students of education faculty and to reveal the differences between of them in thinking styles according to (Harrison, Pramson, parlett and associates, 1980) scale, which includes Synthetic, Idealistic, Pragmatic, Analytic, Realistic styles according to gender of the study discipline and the academic level. The study also aimed to identify the predictable value of identifying the students thinking styles in predicting their academic achievement. The sample consisted of 376 students of faculty of Education at Damascus University. The results indicated that the most preferred thinking profile were the one dimension, thinking, the orderly, the flat, the two dimensions and the three dimensions thinking profiles. The synthetic style was the most resistant thinking style for all subjects. The research found significant differences on analytic style according to gender, academic level, and specialization. No independent variable was able to predict academic achievement. Inaddition the most preferred thinking styles for males were the analytic followed by the pragmatic, while for females the most preferred thinking styles were the pragmatic followed by the analytic.
    • Item
      English Major Female Student-Teachers' Perspectives on the Characteristics of Effective English Language Teacher: A Case Study of the English Unit in the College of Education at Kuwait University
      (2019-12-01) Al-Yaseen, Wafaa S.; Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction College of Education - Kuwait University; Kuwait
      The present research aimed to identify the characteristics of the effective English language teacher from the perspective of the female student-teachers at the English Unit at the College of Education -Kuwait University. The sample consisted of 300 participants, )147( female student-teachers majoring in intermediate and high school stage and )153( female student-teachers majoring in elementary school stage. The reliability in this study was measured by calculating the Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient, which its result was )0.869(. The analysis of the responses given by the study sample was done using the SPSS program to find out the percentages, averages and standard deviations. In addition, t-test and One Way ANOVA were applied for further results and analyses . The obtained results revealed several findings. First, the rating of the characteristics of the effective English language teacher was based on high means as follows: socio-affective skills )3.969(, personality )3.954(, pedagogical knowledge )3.923(, subject-matter knowledge )3.577(, and assessment of students' language (2.816). Second, there were significant differences according to the research variables in domains three and four according to major in college and in domains two and five according to high school specialization, and only in domain four according to years of study.
    • Item
      Developing the Scale of Meta- Cognitive Thinking according to Andrich’s Model: A field-study on a Sample of Secondary Students in Gaza
      (2019-12-01) Abu Jarad, Hamdy Y.; Hammoda, Alaa Z.; Psycology Department Al-Quds Open University; Ministry of Education Palestine; Gaza; Gaza
      This study aimed at developing the Scale of Meta- Cognitive Thinking according to Andrich’s Model. To achieve this objective, the scale was translated into Arabic and evaluated by five referees in the field of specialty. The scale was applied on a sample of )540( students; )220( male students from West Gaza Directorate and )320( female students were chosen by the cluster method. The Items of Meta- Cognitive Thinking scale was calibrated using WINSTEPS Software. The results indicated that (44) fit with the assumptions of rating scale model, that shaped the final image of the scale and covered the trait continuum regularly. The scale also has good psychometric characteristics and the coefficient of validity among its items was (0.96) and it has several reliable connot.
    • Item
      The Impact of Using the Imaginative Thinking Strategy on Developing Creativity among Primary School Students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
      (2019-12-01) Alrefaie, Rabea I.; Taif University- Faculy of Education Department of Curriculium and Education Technigue; Saudi Arabia
      This study aimed to investigate the effect of the use of the strategy of imaginative thinking in the development of creativity among primary school students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The semi-experimental approach was used in the design of the one independent group. The study sample consisted of 30 students in the sixth grade of the First primary school in Al-Hawiya. The researcher prepared learning situations in support of the curriculum that address some cultural issues. The tool used for collecting the data was the Torrance Formal Test for Creative Thinking. After completing the study, the statistical analyses were carried out. The results of the study revealed that there were differences between the mean scores of the pro and post measurements of the experimental group on creative thinking skills (fluency, flexibility, originality and details( and the total score in the direction of dimensional measurement, and one of the most prominent recommendations is to allow students to express their imagination as it is important to increase their learning and to detect the creative students.
    • Item
      Evaluation of the Jordanian Physical Education Curriculum for Secondary Stage from the Teachers’ perspective in the Education Directorate of of first Irbid
      (2019-12-01) Al-hawari, Mohammad M.; physical education yarmouk university; Jordon
      The study aimed at evaluating the Jordanian physical education curriculum for the secondary stage from the point of view of teachers in the first Irbid Education Directorate in, as well as to identify the differences in the responses of the members of the study sample according to the variables )gender and experience(.The study tool consisted of )40( paragraphs divided into four areas, The researcher used the descriptive approach on a sample of )169( teachers. The results of the study indicated that the degree of evaluation of Jordanian physical education of their Curriculum for the secondary stage was "medium" average )2,93(. The results also showed that there were no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (ș≤0.05) that can be due to gender impact or experience. The study recommended the importance of updating the components of the physical education curriculum for the secondary stage, and the involvement of teachers in the process of updating the curriculum.
    • Item
      Effectiveness of Counseling Program in Improving Marital Communication Skills in Saudi Family
      (2019-12-01) Al-Balawi, Khawla S.; Associate professor in psychology Department of Education and Psychology، University of Tabuk; Saudi Arabia
      The research aimed to explore the effectiveness of the counseling program in improving marital communication skills in Saudi families. The sample consisted of )40( Saudi women and was divided into two groups: an experimental group and a control group. The Marital communication scale was administered to both groups before applying the counseling to the experimental group )as a pre-test(. After that, the counseling program was applied to the experimental group. Next, the marital communication skills scale was administered to both groups )as a post-test(. Finally, the marital communication skills scale was administered to the experimental group )as an iterative application). Results suggest that: 1- There is a significant difference between the two groups in the post-test in all dimensions and the total score of the marital communication skills scale in favor of the experimental group in all cases. 2- There is a significant difference between the pre- and the post-test of the experimental group in all dimensions and the total score of the marital communication skills scale in favor of the post-test in all cases. 3- There is no significant difference between the post-test and the iterative application of the experimental group in all dimensions and the total score of the marital communication skills scale. The above results were discussed in light of the previous studies and counseling program. Recommendations and future researches were suggested.
    • Item
      Factors Affecting on the Students’ Attitudes of Theoretical Colleges at Kuwait University towards Working in the Private Sector
      (2019-12-01) Alazmi, Meznah S.; Educational Administration and Planning College of Education -Kuwait University; Kuwait
      This study aimed to identify factors affecting female students’ attitudes studying at liberal arts and professional colleges at Kuwait University towards working in the private sector. Using the analytical descriptive approach, a questionnaire was used to collect data from a random sample of )300( students. The results showed that the role of the university and prevailing social values in shaping their attitudes towards working in the private sector was moderate. In addition, the role of working condition improvement in the private sector in shaping their attitudes towards working in the private sector was high. Furthermore, there were no significant differences among female students’ perceptions due to school year and family income, but there were significant differences due to father's job, specifically retired fathers, in dimension one. Moreover, there was a positive correlation and statistical significance between the affecting factors on forming the attitudes of theoretical college students at Kuwait University towards working in the private sector. The study concludes with a number of recommendations, including the establishment of a vocational counseling unit at Kuwait University, beside improving current academic advising; and fostering relationship with the private sector.
    • Item
      Parenting Styles in Relation to Positive Thinking Skills in Light of some Demographic Variables among a Sample of High School Female Students, Jouf Governorate, KSA
      (2019-12-01) Abo- El Naga, Amina M.; Faculty of Education Jouf University; Saudi Arabia
      This study aimed to investigate the relationship between parenting styles and positive thinking skills in light of some demographic variables among a sample of high school female students within Jouf Governorate, KSA. The participants were )200( female students of the high school in the 1st and 3rd high school grades (scientific and literary majors). They were between (16) and )18( years of age, average )17.14( years and Standard deviation )1.58(. The study instruments were both Parenting Styles and Positive Thinking Skills inventories )Prepared by the researcher(. The results indicated that there was a statistically significant relationship between parenting styles and positive thinking skills. Additionally, there were statistically significant differences in parenting styles attributed to both grade )in Female of students in the third grade) and major (in Female of the scientific majors). However, there were no statistically significant differences in positive thinking skills in terms of the aforementioned demographics.
    • Item
      The Effectiveness of Using Educational Video Clips on YouTube to Develop Digital Storytelling Production Skills among Female Students at the Faculty of Education at Al-Aqsa University and their Attitudes towards Using YouTube
      (2019-12-01) El Agrami, Sameh J.; Faculty of Education Al-Aqsa University; Gaza
      This research aimed at investigating the effectiveness of using educational video clips on YouTube to develop digital storytelling production skills among female students at Faculty of Education in Al-Aqsa University and their attitudes towards using YouTube. The sample of the study consisted of )37( female students, they were divided randomly into two equivalent groups )control and experimental(, the researcher adopted the Technical methodology based on systems approach and the experimental design based on two groups, experimental and control groups. The researcher prepared an achievement test, an attitude scale towards using YouTube and a product evaluation card for digital storytelling production skills. The results showed statistically significant differences, between the control and experimental group in the post application of both the achievement test and product evaluation card, in favor of the experimental group. There was a statistically significant difference, between the means of pre and post application of the attitude scale, in favor of the post application. The results also showed a great effect for educational video clips on developing (Cognitive, Performance skills, and Affective) domains, the modified Blake's gain ratio was not achieved in these domains. The researcher proposed some recommendation, the most important of which: the need to organize seminars, workshops and training courses for teachers before and after service, about digital storytelling, its production and employing it effectively in education
    • Item
      Indicators of Screening for Reading and Mathematical Disabilities in Cycle One Schools of Elementary Education in the Sultanate of Oman
      (2019-12-01) Emam, Mahmoud M.; Al-Shehhi, Safiya A.; Department of Psychology College of Education Sultan Qaboos University; Department of Special Education The Ministry of Education Sultanate of Oman; Oman; Oman
      The current study aimed at identifying performance indicators to screen for reading and mathematical disabilities in second and fourth grades in Oman. A number of curricula based measurements in reading were administered, including: letter sound identification, word segmentation, nonword segmentation, word reading, nonword reading, oral reading fluency (ORF) to assess reading fluency, and maze to assess reading comprehension. Furthermore, a number of mathematical CBM in computation were administered to both grades. The sample included two groups of participants: raters and students. Raters included 46 )22 Arabic teachers and 24 mathematics teachers(, whereas students who participated in the study were 126 from both genders )66 in the second grade and 60 in the fourth grade(. Angoff method was used to determine screening indicators and cut off scores. Students’ performance on CBM was described in the light of these indicators. The study results indicated the adequacy of reading and mathematics CBMs as they showed good psychometric properties. Additionally, performance indicators in the different skills were created to screen for learning disabilities in second and fourth grades.