04. Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciences

e-ISSN 1726-5231​​
​Frequency: 4 issues annually
No Publication fee


The Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciences (JEPS) is a quarterly journal (March, June, September and December). It is a peer-reviewed publication for educators in all areas of education. It seeks articles on the issues affecting, promoting and exchanging good practices within all areas of education, to bring about improvements in, and a better understanding of, practices of teaching, learning, assessment, curriculum development, technology, physical and psychological education. The journal welcomes contributions, in Arabic and English, from academics and researchers.​


The mission of this journal is to provoke rigorous, open, and inclusive engagement with the challenges of contemporary approaches to research in all areas of educational and psychological sciences. As a peer-reviewed journal, we aim to provide researchers, writers, academic professors and students with the most advanced research achievements in a broad range of areas of education, and facilitate the academic exchange between them. Published materials can be copied and distributed without obtaining permission, as long as a correct citation to the original publication is given. At this journal we hope and intend to ensure that your publishing experience goes as smoothly as possible so that you can focus on what really counts.​​

Aims and scope

The Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciences (JEPS) is a multi-disciplinary journal in subject-content education that focuses on the study of teaching and learning in science, mathematics, technology, languages, educational measurements, physical education and educational psychology. As a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers, it is positioned to promote research and educational development, as an important academic exchange platform. Moreover, researchers can be aware of the most up-to-date academic trends in the rapidly evolving field of education around the world, and therefore seek valuable primary sources for reference.
JEPS is dedicated to publishing high-quality papers that describe the most significant and cutting-edge research in all areas of education. In addition to primary research, JEPS also publishes reviewed articles, commentaries and book reviews.
JEPS is committed to publishing top-tier original research in all areas of education through a fair and rigorous review process.​

Editor in Chief
  • د. عبدالعزيز محمد بوليلة

  • Managing Editor
  • د. موزة عيسى الدوي

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  • Paper Submission
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  • The following items should appear on the first page of the manuscript: title of research study, the name(s) of the author(s), institution of affiliation, contact address and phone / fax numbers, e-mail address (if any). To assure complete confidentiality of the refereeing process, the author(s) name(s) should not appear in the main body of the manuscript, nor any clues to their identity. The author(s) may acknowledge any person(s) who contributed to the development of the research study on a separate sheet.

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  • The author(s) shall attach a MS-Word version of the research study along with the manuscript; after the final corrections have been made, and acceptance of the manuscript for publication has been granted.

  • Authors may submit manuscripts to the Editorial Board .doc file with a cover letter must be submit to this link click here​ . The cover letter should give the authors preferred address, e-mail address, phone number and fax number, and should indicate the intended publication format (short paper, regular paper or expository paper). Each submission should include a short informative abstract.
    Accepted manuscripts must be written in MS-Word, not exceeding 30 pages. It is the author's responsibility to prepare papers as per formatting instructions of the publisher. Accepted papers may not be published unless they meet the publishers formatting standard.
    By submitting a manuscript for publication, authors acknowledge that the work is original and is not being submitted to another journal. The submission of a manuscript by the authors implies that the authors automatically agree to assign exclusive copyright to The Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciences if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication.
    The publication in JEPS is free of charge.

    Review Process ​

    JEPS has a three-step review process. In the first step, all manuscripts will go through an initial screening process by the Editorial Office to make sure that all manuscripts meet the JEPS publication rules and procedures. The office will also cross-check the article in a cross reference database in order to avoid plagiarism. Those that pass the first stage are forwarded to the second step in which the manuscripts are assigned to be reviewed by one Editorial Board Member. Those that pass the second step are passed on to the third step in which manuscripts undergo a blind reviewing process, where both the reviewers and the authors remain anonymous throughout the process. Each manuscript submitted will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. JEPS is committed to publishing top-tier original research in all areas of education through a fair and rigorous review process.​

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    Search Results

    Now showing 1 - 10 of 18
    • Item
      Attitudes of Basic Education Students in the Sultanate of Oman Towards Space Science and Technology and the Role of Teachers in Promoting Them
      (2022-12-01) Aldayri, Huda M.; Al-Rawahi, Ammar S.; Ambusaidi, Abdullah K.; Al-Hasani, Abeer M.; Ministry of Education Sultanate of Oman; Emerging Technologies Corporation Sultanate of Oman; Ministry of Education Sultanate of Oman; Ministry of Education Sultanate of Oman; Oman; Oman; Oman; Oman
      This study aims to explore the attitudes of basic education students in the Sultanate of Oman towards space science and technology and the role of the teachers in promoting these attitudes. The study used a descriptive approach, via a questionnaire that consisted of )33( items divided into four main domains. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated using two methods: internal consistency, using Alpha Cronbach's coefficient (0.983), and half-split )0.921(. The study was applied to a sample of )1242( students and )12( teachers. The results concluded that the attitudes of basic education students in the Sultanate of Oman towards space science and technology ranged between neutral and positive. The results also showed that there was a statistically significant difference in the attitudes of basic education students based on the gender variable )male, female( in all domains in favor of females. The study also revealed some difficulties in teaching space science and the appropriate initiatives to enhance it among students, for instance, using technological applications and involving families in space science awareness. The study recommended integrating topics related to space science in curricula and providing supportive technologies for education.
    • Item
      Teachers and Students' Perceptions of the Educational Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on Schools' Education
      (2022-03-01) Al-Salimi, Mohsin N.; Ambusaidity, Abdullah Kh.; Al Musawi, Ali Sh.; Al-Bassami, Khalid S.; Al Sinani, Mohammed Kh.; Sultan Qaboos Universit; Sultan Qaboos University; Ministry of Education; Sharqiya University; Ministry of Education; Oman; Oman; Oman; Oman; Oman
      This study aimed to identify the educational effects of the emerging Coronavirus (COVID-19( pandemic on the school education from the point of view of the teachers and students. The study was a part of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Higher Education. Scientifc Research and Innovation of the Sultanate of Oman. In order to achieve the study aims, two forms of questionnaire were designed, one for the teachers, and another for the students, after ensuring their validity and reliability. The sample of the study consisted of (289( teachers, and (704( students. The results showed that the educational effects of the emerging Coronavirus (COVID-19( pandemic on school education from the point of view of teachers was high, while it was medium from the students’ point of view. In addition, the results showed no statistically signifcant differences in the interaction between the variables of gender, educational level, and experience of the teacher. The same was also found for students, which indicated that there were no statistically signifcant differences in the interaction between the variables of the educational level, and the governate. The study recommends the need for the schools to adopt a risk management strategy to deal with any future crises to ensure the continuity and sustainability of student learning. The study also came out with other practical and research suggestions
    • Item
      Students’ Attitudes in the College of Education towards Mobile Learning at King Saud University
      (University of Bahrain, 2017-06-01) Bin Mubayrik, Haifa F.
      This study sought to examine students’ attitudes at King Saud University towards mobile learning )m-learning(. It also investigated the obstacles of using mobile learning. and students’ suggestions on means of minimising these obstacles. Data were collected from students through a questionnaire that was distributed to a sample consisting of 450 students from all disciplines of the College of Education: Psychology-Special Education- Islamic- Early Childhood all disciplines of the college Education and Art Education, and from all levels in the academic year 1434/1435. The statistical analysis of the data led to significant conclusions. The findings showed that students’ had highly positive perceptions toward m-learning. Additionally, the research findings demonstrated that m-learning facilitated students learning process, helped in self-directed learning, enhanced research skills, and improved learning outcomes because it was easy to access the content at any time or place. Findings also indicated that students might occasionally face some obstacles. The main obstacle was not mastering the English language, followed by the small-sized screen. In addition, the course material could not be modified to be used. Students recommended having some training courses in m-learning and increasing the number of computers in the college and the university. Students also indicated that they needed a direct technical support and m-learning courses.
    • Item
      Attitudes of Sultan Qaboos University’s Students Toward Psychology
      (University of Bahrain, 2004) Kazem, Ali Mahdi; Al Mamari, Khawla Hilal
      This research has been conducted to identify the factor structure, the nature of the attitudes, and the influence of sex, age, specialization, GPA, and attendance of courses in psychology. A scale of 58 items was developed for this purpose (with a reliability of α = 0.95) and was applied to 260 students from different colleges in Sultan Qaboos University. Using factor analysis, four factors were obtained. The results showed the nature of the sample attitudes was positive. However, only one of the demographic variables was significant, namely attendance of courses in psychology in favors of those who attended psychological courses.
    • Item
      Attitudes of Arabic and Islamic Students to English Literature Courses at the University of Bahrain
      (University of Bahrain, 2002) Ashour, Ashour Kassim
      The aim of the study is to highlight the causes that may discourage the students from having positive attitudes towards learning English literature. The study also aims at drawing students’ attention to the importance of English literature for better English language learning. The study showed that the difficulties that Arabic and Islamic students face when taking English 136 are the following: * The language * The textbook * The teacher The study also showed that: * The teacher plays an important role for making English 136 interesting and clear; * It is preferred to have a teacher who speaks Arabic; * If English 136 contained translated extracts it could help the students in understanding the text; and * It is preferred that the course should not focus on one genre; the students should have access to poetry and fiction as well as drama.
    • Item
      Analysis of Students Academic Learning Time in Elementary Physical Education in Bahrain
      (University of Bahrain, 2002) Almulla-A, Faisal
      The purpose of this study was to analyses student academic learning time in elementary physical education in Bahrain. Forty physical education teachers were observed twice using the revised ALT-PE instrument. Data obtained were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics and included frequencies, percentages, and t-test. The major finding of this study were as follows: 1- Students in elementary physical education classes in Bahrain spent 23.4% of the lesson time in organizational and transitional activities. 2- Students in elementary schools in Bahrain spent 22.6% of the lesson time in the subject matter knowledge category. 3- Students in elementary schools in Bahrain spent 19.3% of every physical education lesson in waiting for something to happen. 4- Students in elementary schools in Bahrain spent 19.9% of every physical education lesson in ALT-PE. 5- No statistically significant difference was found in the ALT-PE mean score between male and female physical education teachers. 6- A statistically significant difference was found in ALT-PE mean score between individual and team activity lessons. It was concluded that students academic learning time in elementary physical education in Bahrain movement education program for preschool children should be increased . Additional research is needed in this area.
    • Item
      The Level of Guidance Needs of the Students of the Colleges of Applied Sciences- Reality and Hope
      (University of Bahrain, 2016) Dr. Al- shukri,Humoud A.; Dr. Al- Sadeyah, Hamdah H.
      The study aimed to identify the reality of the guidance needs of the students of the Colleges of Applied Sciences, Sultanate of Oman, and to develop a proposal through which such needs' requirements may be achieved. For data collection, the researchers developed an instrument for measuring the guidance needs. The quality of the instrument was assured by calculating the coefficients of validity and reliability, which indicated its validity for the purposes of the study. The study involved a sample of 129 male and female students from two colleges, Rustaq College of Applied Sciences and Nizwa College of Applied Sciences. The students were grouped in terms of gender, specialisation and year of study. The study revealed a number of results, one of which was the level of the academic needs was the highest among the guidance needs of the students, with an average of 3.77, then the psychological needs with an average of 3.68, the social needs with an average of 3.63 and finally the administrative needs with an average of 3. The results also indicated that there were not differences that have statistical significance attributed to the variables of gender, specialisation or study year. That is, the needs are of the same strength with all the students despite their different gender, specialization or level of study.
    • Item
      Orientations towards Free Reading among Students of the American University of Madaba
      (University of Bahrain, 2016) Dr. AL-Shweihat,Safa N.
      This study aimed to identify the orientations towards free reading among the students of the American University of Madaba, and whether there are statistically significant differences in students’ orientations depending on the student’s sex, his specialty, his performance in high school, as well as the knowledge of subjects of free reading that are read the most, and the sources of the most used free reading, and the obstacles of free reading from an educational perspective, The tool of the study was promoted, and it consisted of (55) paragraphs carried out on 32% of the study population, the results have shown the following: The arithmetic average of the sample’s orientations towards free reading has reached (3,49) with an average grade. The following subjects have obtained the highest rates of readability (Descending): detective stories and adventures, development of driving skills, jokes and anecdotes. The sources of the most used free reading from the sample (Descending): Internet, newspapers, books exchange between friends, and they show the biggest obstacles of free reading (Descending order) the stress from studying, negligence of the media of its role to encourage reading, and the complicated procedures in borrowing books from the University’s library. The results haven’t shown that there are statistically significant differences (a= 0.05) in the students’ orientations towards reading depending on the changes of education.
    • Item
      Educational Values amongst Physical Education Students in Palestinian Universities
      (University of Bahrain, 2016) Dr. Dwekat,Bader R.
      The purpose of this study was to identify the educational values amongst physical education students in Palestinian universities, in addition to determine the differences in the educational values according to gender and university variables. To achieve the study purposes, a questionnaire was used to collect data and was distributed to a sample consisting of (188) male and female students of physical education faculties in Palestinian universities, SPSS was used to analyze data. The results of study revealed that the education values of the students in physical education faculties was high on the domains: religious domain (75%), political domain (74.8%), social domain (72.2%), and (72%) for the scientific domain, as it was middle for the economic domain (65.6%), where the total level of education values was high and the percentage of response reached (71.8%). Furthermore, the results showed statistical significant differences according to gender variable in favor to female students, and the university variable in favor to private universities. Based on the study findings, the researcher recommended the necessity of linking student’s knowledge with the curriculum taught at the physical education faculties in order to achieve their tasks and to develop scientific and educational values.
    • Item
      The Relationship between Multiple Intelligences, the Big Five Personality Traits, and Academic Specialization of the Jazan University Students
      (University of Bahrain, 2013) Dr. Elnur, Ahmed Y.
      The research aimed at identifying the relation between multiple intelligences & the big five traits among the students of Jazan University, and the effect of the academic specialization on multiple intelligences. Also, the research aimed to find out if the big five traits predict multiple intelligences. The research sample consisted of (375 students) of faculties of (Teachers, Science, Arts and Humanities, and Computer sciences). The multiple intelligences test, and the list of the big five traits were applied to them. The research found statistical positive relations between multiple intelligences on one hand, and (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience) on the other. However, there were statistical negative relations between (kinesthetic, visual, intrapersonal, interpersonal, and musical intelligence) and neuroticism. Also, the research found that there was statistically significant differences on the multiple intelligences due to academic specialization, and that personality traits can predict multiple intelligences except for the musical intelligence.