04. Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciences

e-ISSN 1726-5231​​
​Frequency: 4 issues annually
No Publication fee


The Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciences (JEPS) is a quarterly journal (March, June, September and December). It is a peer-reviewed publication for educators in all areas of education. It seeks articles on the issues affecting, promoting and exchanging good practices within all areas of education, to bring about improvements in, and a better understanding of, practices of teaching, learning, assessment, curriculum development, technology, physical and psychological education. The journal welcomes contributions, in Arabic and English, from academics and researchers.​


The mission of this journal is to provoke rigorous, open, and inclusive engagement with the challenges of contemporary approaches to research in all areas of educational and psychological sciences. As a peer-reviewed journal, we aim to provide researchers, writers, academic professors and students with the most advanced research achievements in a broad range of areas of education, and facilitate the academic exchange between them. Published materials can be copied and distributed without obtaining permission, as long as a correct citation to the original publication is given. At this journal we hope and intend to ensure that your publishing experience goes as smoothly as possible so that you can focus on what really counts.​​

Aims and scope

The Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciences (JEPS) is a multi-disciplinary journal in subject-content education that focuses on the study of teaching and learning in science, mathematics, technology, languages, educational measurements, physical education and educational psychology. As a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers, it is positioned to promote research and educational development, as an important academic exchange platform. Moreover, researchers can be aware of the most up-to-date academic trends in the rapidly evolving field of education around the world, and therefore seek valuable primary sources for reference.
JEPS is dedicated to publishing high-quality papers that describe the most significant and cutting-edge research in all areas of education. In addition to primary research, JEPS also publishes reviewed articles, commentaries and book reviews.
JEPS is committed to publishing top-tier original research in all areas of education through a fair and rigorous review process.​

Editor in Chief
  • د. عبدالعزيز محمد بوليلة

  • Managing Editor
  • د. موزة عيسى الدوي

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    Review Process ​

    JEPS has a three-step review process. In the first step, all manuscripts will go through an initial screening process by the Editorial Office to make sure that all manuscripts meet the JEPS publication rules and procedures. The office will also cross-check the article in a cross reference database in order to avoid plagiarism. Those that pass the first stage are forwarded to the second step in which the manuscripts are assigned to be reviewed by one Editorial Board Member. Those that pass the second step are passed on to the third step in which manuscripts undergo a blind reviewing process, where both the reviewers and the authors remain anonymous throughout the process. Each manuscript submitted will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. JEPS is committed to publishing top-tier original research in all areas of education through a fair and rigorous review process.​

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    Search Results

    Now showing 1 - 10 of 20
    • Item
      The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Self-efficacy among Teachers in the Kingdom of Bahrain
      (2023-12-01) Ali, Husain M.; Alnaim, Essam K. A.; El Ghait, Nora A.; Ministry of Education Kingdom of Bahrain; New Valley University Arab Republic of Egypt; Enaya Medical Center Arab Republic of Egypt; Bahrain; Egypt; Egypt
      The study examines the relationship between emotional intelligence and self-efficacy among teachers. The sample of the study consisted of (120) male and female secondary school teachers. For the purpose of the study, the researchers used a measure of self-efficacy and a measure of emotional intelligence. The results of the study concluded that there is a statistically significant positive correlation between the scores of the study sample on the emotional intelligence and self-efficacy scales. The results also revealed that there were no statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the teachers on emotional intelligence due to the teaching experience.
    • Item
      Attitudes of Basic Education Students in the Sultanate of Oman Towards Space Science and Technology and the Role of Teachers in Promoting Them
      (2022-12-01) Aldayri, Huda M.; Al-Rawahi, Ammar S.; Ambusaidi, Abdullah K.; Al-Hasani, Abeer M.; Ministry of Education Sultanate of Oman; Emerging Technologies Corporation Sultanate of Oman; Ministry of Education Sultanate of Oman; Ministry of Education Sultanate of Oman; Oman; Oman; Oman; Oman
      This study aims to explore the attitudes of basic education students in the Sultanate of Oman towards space science and technology and the role of the teachers in promoting these attitudes. The study used a descriptive approach, via a questionnaire that consisted of )33( items divided into four main domains. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated using two methods: internal consistency, using Alpha Cronbach's coefficient (0.983), and half-split )0.921(. The study was applied to a sample of )1242( students and )12( teachers. The results concluded that the attitudes of basic education students in the Sultanate of Oman towards space science and technology ranged between neutral and positive. The results also showed that there was a statistically significant difference in the attitudes of basic education students based on the gender variable )male, female( in all domains in favor of females. The study also revealed some difficulties in teaching space science and the appropriate initiatives to enhance it among students, for instance, using technological applications and involving families in space science awareness. The study recommended integrating topics related to space science in curricula and providing supportive technologies for education.
    • Item
      Teachers and Students' Perceptions of the Educational Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on Schools' Education
      (2022-03-01) Al-Salimi, Mohsin N.; Ambusaidity, Abdullah Kh.; Al Musawi, Ali Sh.; Al-Bassami, Khalid S.; Al Sinani, Mohammed Kh.; Sultan Qaboos Universit; Sultan Qaboos University; Ministry of Education; Sharqiya University; Ministry of Education; Oman; Oman; Oman; Oman; Oman
      This study aimed to identify the educational effects of the emerging Coronavirus (COVID-19( pandemic on the school education from the point of view of the teachers and students. The study was a part of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Higher Education. Scientifc Research and Innovation of the Sultanate of Oman. In order to achieve the study aims, two forms of questionnaire were designed, one for the teachers, and another for the students, after ensuring their validity and reliability. The sample of the study consisted of (289( teachers, and (704( students. The results showed that the educational effects of the emerging Coronavirus (COVID-19( pandemic on school education from the point of view of teachers was high, while it was medium from the students’ point of view. In addition, the results showed no statistically signifcant differences in the interaction between the variables of gender, educational level, and experience of the teacher. The same was also found for students, which indicated that there were no statistically signifcant differences in the interaction between the variables of the educational level, and the governate. The study recommends the need for the schools to adopt a risk management strategy to deal with any future crises to ensure the continuity and sustainability of student learning. The study also came out with other practical and research suggestions
    • Item
      The Level of General Education Teachers' Knowledge of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the Primary Cycle at the State of Kuwait
      (University of Bahrain, 2017-12-01) Al-Saeedi, Ahmad M.; Al-Harbi, Hamdan A.
      The purpose of this study are to investigate the level of general education teachers’ knowledge of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) at primary school in the State of Kuwait, to explore the effect of gender and subject. The sample of the study consisted of 250 male and female teachers in the primary school at Al-Ahmadi and Jahra Educational Area. The researcher administrated Bruna )2004( scale translated by the authors, and then used suitable statistical procedures. The results of the study showed that the level of the teachers' general knowledge of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was low as the mean totalled 48.9% and there were no significant statistical differences between male and female teachers on the level of knowing this disorder. Furthermore, the findings showed that Arabic language teachers had knowledge about this disorder compared to other majors.
    • Item
      Cognitive and Personal Characteristics of Talented Students and the Compentency of Teachers in the Estimation of such Characteristics for Higher Primary School in Saudi Arabia
      (University of Bahrain, 2017-06-01) Al-Rafei, Yahya A.
      The study aimed to reveal the cognitive and personal characteristics of elementary school students for grades: 4, 5, & 6, and to investigate in assessment, and the competency of teachers in assessing these characteristics. Instruments were developed and used for the identification of these characteristics of these properties. The methodology involves quantitative and qualitative approach. The sample consisted of 1063 students representing the governates of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The results revealed a numbers of cognitive and personality characteristics of gifted students at the higher primary level; and that there were no statistically significant differences related to class, age, and gender in those characteristics. The study found statistically significant differences attributable to school district in favor of the North region. The study also found a low level of teachers' competency in the assessment of these characteristics. The study concluded with a number of important recommendations.
    • Item
      The Prevalence Level of Behavioral Problems among Primary School Pupils in the State of Kuwait from their teachers’ perspectives
      (University of Bahrain, 2017-09-01) Al-radaan, Dalal A.
      This study aimed to identify common behavioral problems among primary school pupils from the teachers' perspectives in the State of Kuwait. A questionare survey was developed by the researcher covering five domains: poor dispersion of attention, repeated absence, troubled relations with teachers and peers, responding to teachers' instructions, and hyperactivity. The questionnaire was conducted on a sample of (360) male and female teachers who were randomly selected. The results of the study indicated that the level of behavioral problems was moderate, and that male pupils were found to have more behavioral problems than their female counterparts. Statistically, significant differences were found between age groups (10,11,12) years, in favor of (10) years students compared to (11,12) years old pupils. The study concluded that the need for more collaboration between parents, teachers, and school administration to monitor the behaviors of children and to identify the most important negative behavioral problems among these pupils and address them.
    • Item
      The Availability Level of Organizational Health Dimensions in Public Schools in Makah City from Viewpoint of the School Principals and Teachers
      (University of Bahrain, 2017-09-01) Al-Wetheinany, Mohammed M. J.
      The study aimed to determine the availability level of organizational health dimensions in public schools in Makah City from the viewpoint of school principals and teachers. The study adopted a descriptive analytical method based on identification of the seventh organizational health dimensions. Aquestionnaire was applied to a sample of )511( principals and teachers. The results found that the level of organizational health in public schools in Makah City was medium on: )institutional cohesion, consideration, influence the principal, supporting resources, morale, and emphasis on the academic aspects(, and high on )work initiative(. The data analysis showed significant differences according to "job title" on of all principals in the health dimensions. The results also showed significant differences in favor of primary school on availability of the institutional cohesion, consideration, influences of the principal, morale, and emphasis on the academic aspects, in favor of the intermediate stage and consideration. No significant differences according to years of experience were registered, however, significant differences according to scientific qualification with respect to institutional cohesion, work initiative, morale, and emphasis on the academic aspects in favor of of obtaining a higher qualification of the university while there were no significant differences according to scientific qualification, consideration, and influence of the the principal. The study results also showed significant differences in favor of rental schools status on the dimensions of the institutional cohesion, consideration, influence of the principal, morale, and emphasis on the academic aspects, while no significant differences with respect to schools status on work initiative, supporting resources were evident.
    • Item
      Perspective of Principals and Teachers Appointed in Areas Where they Live and among Their Relatives and the Effect of Their Appointment on the Educational Process in Their Schools
      (University of Bahrain, 2004) Tarawneh, Ekhleif Y.
      The aim of this study was to identify the perspective of the principals and teachers appointed in areas where they live and among their relatives and the effect of their appointment on the educational process in their schools. Specifically, the study attempted to answer the following questions: 1- What is the perspective of the principals and teachers appointed in areas where they live and among their relatives and the effect of their appointment on the educational process in their schools? 2-Are there any significant statistical differences (α =.05) with regard to gender, age and qualification in the perspective of the principals and teachers appointed in areas where they live and among their relatives-and the effect of their appointment on the educational process in their schools? The sample of the study consisted of (103) principals and teachers who were appointed in areas where they lived with the exception of the members of the pilot study. After verifying its validity and reliability, a questionnaire was designed and distributed among the population of the study. The results of the study showed the mean of the teachers and principals of their perspective on the effect of their appointment on the educational process was equal to (102.29), and it showed no significant statistical difference due to gender, age or qualification. Based on the results of the study, the following recommendations were achieved: 1-More studies should be conducted on this topic to get the involvement of the parents who are relatives to the teachers and principals of the concerned school. 2-We should reveal the importance of the relationship between the principals and teachers on the one hand and the relationship between the principals and teachers, and parents particularly those who are relatives to the principals and teachers on the other hand 3-School principals and teachers should be appointed in the areas where they live to keep stability in the educational experience.
    • Item
      The Importance of Teaching Civic Education According to the Opinion of Teachers’ Field Study in East of Algeria
      (University of Bahrain, 2003) Zine-eddine, Masmoudi
      The introduction of the subject of civic education in the teaching curriculum of the Algerian fundamental school has provoked a series of controversial debates within the educational community; both in the formal and informal circles. These debates which dealt with the opportunity or the inopportunity of teaching such subject centered on whether the latter should be banned utterly or reduced in terms of allotted time. The divergences revealed the ideological point of view of those participants in the debate over the subject-matter. At least two opposite poles have emerged out of the discussion. The opponents attempted to persuade their colleagues behind the fence that adding such a subject would certainly be a curse than a blessing insofar as it was seen as a burden on the child’s mind. The exponents, on the contrary, thought that the child be better off when taught civic education as it would enable him to grow as a well-balanced citizen who can understand better the mechanisms of his social milieu. The present study attempts to shed some light on these debates. A sample consisting of 136 teachers was randomly drawn and surveyed on teaching public opinion on the issue. A questionnaire consisting of 40 items was used. Data analysis showed the importance of including civic education as a subject-matter in the official curriculum.
    • Item
      The Training of the Teachers of Southern Ghour Directorate of Education from Viewpoint of the Teachers, Educators, and Principals in the Government Schools of the Region
      (University of Bahrain, 2003) Tarawneh, Ekhleif; Al-T’ani, Hassan Ahmed; Dgheimat, Hussein
      The study aimed at assessing the training needs of teachers from the viewpoint of teachers, educational supervisors and principals of the government schools in the Southern Ghour Directorate of Education. The study used a questionnaire consisting of 34 multiple questions that covered four aspects. A committee of referees verified the validity of the questionnaire, and the test-retest reliability coefficient was estimated to be 0.95. The subjects of the sample were 100 selected out of 436 teachers, educational supervisors and principals. The study showed that there is a need for training in all educational aspects (classroom administration and handling students, methods and activities, planning, and evaluation). The study also indicated that there are non-statistically significant differences due to the interaction between qualification, job, and experience. The study recommended that training programs should be designed for teachers (regardless of their experience or educational qualification) in the following areas: classroom administration and handling students, methods and activities, planning, and evaluation.