06. Journal of Law

e-ISSN 1985-8000
DOI: dx.doi.org/10.12785/low
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Salah Mohammad Ahmad
Email: hssj@uob.edu.bh No Publication Fee

Journal of Law: Biannual Peer-reviewed academic journal, issued by the Deanship of Scientific Research at the University of Bahrain.

The Journal publishes articles written in Arabic, English and French in the following fields:

  • Legal Research and studies with preference to research focusing on Bahraini legislations or comparing the latter with other laws and legislations.
  • Commentary on judicial judgments
  • Abstracts of Master degree dissertations and PhD theses will be published in the annual appendix of the journal.

  • Editor in Chief
  • د. صلاح محمد أحمد

  • Managing Editor
  • د. نورة الشملان

  • Editorial Board
  • الاستاذ الدكتور عبد الحكيم الشرقاوي
  • الدكتور صالح البراشدي
  • الاستاذ الدكتور هاني دويدار
  • الاستاذ الدكتور محمد عبدالنعيم
  • الدكتور محمد الفيلي
  • الاستاذ الدكتور ضحى النعمان
  • الدكتور صقر الرويس

  • Advisory Board
  • الدكتورة مريم بنت حسن آل خليفة
  • الاستاذ الدكتور مفيد شهاب
  • الاستاذ الدكتور اوستن بارش
  • الاستاذ الدكتور ينكونج إن هودو
  • First: General Rules
  • The legal research or study must be of the highest academic standards. It should be original and should add to existing knowledge.
  • A submitted article should not be part of the author’s master degree dissertation, PhD thesis , or a previously published book.
  • The author should comply with the general rules of scientific research in particular rules of citation and referencing.
  • All submitted articles and commentaries will undertake a preliminary examination by the editorial board to decide its eligibility for peer-review. If the work was accepted at the preliminary examination stage, it will be peer-reviewed before publication.
  • Articles submitted by PhD students are accepted provided that it is co-authorship with the supervisor.
  • The author may not publish his work in any other journal if the work was accepted for publication in the Journal of Law. However, such publication is permissible if he obtained a written permission from the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Law.
  • The original copies of -any submitted work- sent to the journal will not be returned to the author whether the work was accepted for publication or not.
  • Sequence of published articles depends on the date in which the article was sent to the journal.
  • Each author will be given one free copy of the journal.

  • Second: Submission
  • Journal articles and commentaries should be submitted through "Submission Button"
  • The author should submit two abstracts: The first should be written in the same langue of his journal article while the second is in English. Each should not exceed 200 words with a clear insertion of key words in both.
  • With regard to commentary on judicial judgments, author of the commentary should attach a full copy of the judicial judgment for reviewers’ reference.
  • The author should submit a written declaration that the journal article has not been published before and is not submitted for publication elsewhere. Copyright 2023.docx ​

  • Third: Research and referencing
  • Any journal article should not exceed 14,000 words including footnotes and bibliography.
  • Commentaries on judicial decisions should not exceed 5000 words.
  • Font style should be Time New Roman – Font size 12 - single space.
  • First page should contain: title, author/s name/s, name of institution, address, phone / mobile number, email address.
  • To guarantee confidentiality of peer-review process, author should not mention his name in the body of his work, nor should he provide any sign that could lead to identifying him.
  • A journal article should contain an introduction explaining: the nature of the research, its importance, objectives, and its questions or hypothesis. A research should be divided and structured in a way that would support connectivity and harmony of its different parts. Any journal article should end with a conclusion and / or recommendations followed by a bibliography.
  • A bibliography should be divided into the following titles:
  • Primary resources (includes laws, conventions, and any legislative tool to which the author had direct examination) must be referenced by writing: title of the legislative tool, its number, and date. Primary resources should be arranged by its dates starting with the most recent.
  • Books: should be arranged alphabetically starting with the author’s first name
  • Journals: should be arranged alphabetically starting with the author’s first name
  • Electronic resources: author should mention date of his final access/visit to the website.
  • Other resources: author should list any reference that he could not list under the previous titles.
  • Arabic references should be cited according to the rules specified in the Arabic references section.
  • English references should be cited according to OSCOLA:
  • Judicial judgments:
  • Case number | case name | [year] | report abbreviation | first page
    Case 240/83 Procureur de la République v ADBHU [1985] ECR 531
  • Books:

  • Author, Title in Italics (series title, edition publisher, place date) page
    JH Baker, An Introduction to English Legal History (4th edn Butterworths, London 2002) 419–21
  • Journals:
  • Author, | ‘title’ | [year] | journal name or abbreviation | first page of article - last page
    Alexandra Sims, 'The denial of copyright protection on public policy grounds' [2008] E.I.P.R. 189-198
  • Electronic resources:
  • Author, | ‘title’ | [year] OR (year) | volume/issue | journal name or abbreviation | web address | date accessed
    Graham Greenleaf, ‘The Global Development of Free Access to Legal Information’ (2010) 1(1) EJLT http://ejlt.org/article/view/17 accessed 27 July 2010

    Fourth: Intellectual Property rights (IPRs)
    Copyright in the author’ work is transferred to the Journal. The author should agree to transfer his copyright with regard to the work submitted for publication to the Journal of Law by completing the written transfer form attached with the research form sent to the author. Copyright 2023.docx ​

    Journal of Law, Deanship of Scientific research, University of Bahrain. P.O. Box 32038
    Email: journaloflaw@uob.edu.bh

    ​The Journal invites qualified reviewers to assist in peer-review process. If you are interested to be a reviewer, please send 100 words biodata to the Editor-in-Chief.​

    Review Steps ​ ​
    All manuscript will be assigned to more than one reviewer through 5 steps. As soon as we receive an article, the Editorial office will Pre-Review your manuscript in one week. The officer will check whether the manuscript is valid and language is fluent and necessary factors are all included. The officer will also cross check the article in crossref database in order to avoid plagirsm. The following is a formal review process accomplished by other official reviewers for one month. It is decided by Editor-in-Chief in one week whether your manuscript is accepted or not. All submitted papers will be reviewed in about six weeks.

    Chart 1

    ​Type of Peer Review​ ​
    This journal follows blind reviewing process, where both the referee and author remain anonymous throughout the process. ​
    ​Formal Conditions of Acceptance ​
    Each article submitted to us will be reviewed by at least 2 reviewers. Moreover the papers will be checked for linguistic consistency. Thematic review will decide whether to accept or reject according to the originality, significance for theory and practice, quality of content and presentation of submitted paper.

    Chart 2

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    Search Results

    Now showing 1 - 10 of 177
    • Item
      Specialized Judiciary and its Role in the Development of the Judicial System
      (2019-10-01) Flayyih, Najlaa Tawfeeq Najeeb; Associate Professor Ajman University - UAE; UAE
      This research comes to emphasize the importance of specialized judiciary, and presents the experiences of a number of countries in this field. This study adopts a future perspective in order to keep pace with the judicial work of variables in all fields of knowledge related to information technology and cybercrimes labor dispute and international trade. Especially those related to investment contracts that need to be resolved by expert and specialized judges, within quick procedures, that that they linked to national development plans. We discussed the topic of specialized judiciary and its role in the development of judicial work in two parts, the first part is devoted to the concept of specialized judiciary and its configurations the pros and cons, and the second part is devoted to the study of specialized judiciary applications. The study is concluded with a number of recommendations, the most important of which is that when adopting the experience of the specialized judiciary. It is necessary to provide a special environment to ensure success by creating legislation that allows for the establishment of this judiciary, supports its independence and provide it with highly qualified judges through training and higher qualification
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      The Legal Framework of Smart Sustainable Cities Construction "A Study of Some Arab Law"
      (2019-10-01) Kamel, Mohammed Lamine; Associate professor Faculty of law and political science- Ibn Khaldoun University of Tiaret; Algeria
      Smart Cities is an emerging trend for policymakers all over the world, today, the majority of the world’s population lives in cities, generating about 80 percent of the global Gross domestic product. Migration and rapidly rising standards of living are contributing to an unprecedented worldwide surge in urbanization. This scale of urbanization requires efficient management of resources, infrastructure development, and the control of traffic congestion and pollution. The social and economic complexities of urbanization add to the challenges. The transformation into a smart sustainable city is an essential platform to make life easier and more comfortable, and Arabic countries similar to the rest of the world is obliged keep up with different stages of technological evolution to reach a sustainable Smart City by modern technologies associated with them as for cloud computing and broadband infrastructure security and big data management and analysis of information and communication between machines and internet of things and mobile networks and cyber- security, confidentiality and privacy of personal data. Through this paper, we will look to the legislative and regulatory framework for Arab smart cities, and a statement of the fundamental pillars of the construction of sustainable cities by answering to these questions: What is the city’s vision, and what does it aim to become? How should “quality of life” be defined, and how can this vision be supported by technological solutions?
    • Item
      "La lutte contre la discrimination à l'embauche en droit du travail de Bahreïn" "Étude comparative"
      (2019-10-01) Ahmed, Salah Mohamed; Associate Professor of Civil law College of Law- University of Bahrain; Bahrain
      La discrimination est un phénomène social troublant, à la fois pour ses causes, qui sont injustifiées humainement, et pour ses conséquences légalement et socialement injustifiables. Il ne fait aucun doute que l'absence de confrontation législative et judiciaire en matière de discrimination entraînera des répercussions négatives et enracinera la discrimination sans normes juridiques, éthiques ou humanitaires. Et sera enraciné dans la conscience sociale de la société et conduira à la marginalisation délibérée de certains segments de la société et leur prive du droit de travailler et de vivre décemment. D'autre part, La discrimination affecte le développement, le progrès et la prospérité de la société, et le développement durable en général. C'est contraire au huitième objectif de développement durable des Nations Unies, qui assure le renforcement de l’égalité des chances. Ainsi, l’importance de la confrontation législative et judiciaire contre la discrimination à l'embauche fondée sur la couleur, le sexe, le statut social, les responsabilités familiales, la grossesse, la religion, l’affiliation syndicale ou autre est soulignée. Bien que la distinction entre les travailleurs apparaisse le plus souvent pendant les relations de travail et se reflète clairement dans les droits et les devoirs des travailleurs, ils peuvent apparaître plus tôt lors de l’embauche du candidat. Où l’employeur fonde sa décision sur des causes personnelles, causes prohibés, en particulier à la lumière du principe de la considération personnelle dans la relation de travail et du droit de choisir entre des candidats au travail. D'autre part, le travailleur doit prouver l'arbitraire de l'employeur dans la décision de nommer à l'emploi et ce n'est pas facile d'en réussir. D'où le danger à ce stade (la discrimination à l'embauche), Quelle est la protection législative et judiciaire du candidat pour travailler dans de tels cas ? La recherche sera traitée à travers deux sections: Première section : le concept de discrimination à l’encontre de candidat à l'emploi et ses manifestations. La deuxième section : la confrontation législative et judiciaire de discrimination à l'embauche.
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      Legal regulation of sustainable archiecture “A comparative study”
      (2019-10-01) Alnuman, Dhuha Mohamed; Professor of civil law College of law - University of Bahrain; Bahrain
      Sustainable architecture is building an environment-friendly or recent trends in the architectural thought, who cares about the relationship between the buildings and the environment, while seeking sustainable architecture to minimize the negative environmental impacts of buildings by promoting the efficient use of materials, energy, space, The purpose of the notion of sustainability or albaei design, is to ensure not to miss opportunities for future generations, and our activities do not cause harm to their natural resources and energy so you can use the term sustainable architecture to describe construction that environmentally conscious designs are constructive. The idea of sustainable architecture based on designers ' observance urged minimizing the use of new resources in the buildings cite, as you call them to design and create by itself makes her style or some of its components at the end of her life as a source and resource for other buildings Diminishing natural resources globally and to preserve the rights of future generations, especially with projected population increases, which calls for building and construction professionals to apply this idea to the methods and ideas
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      Constitutional Guarantees of Value Added Tax
      (2019-10-01) Alshehhi, Ali Mohammed Akash; Assistant Professor of Public Law College Of Law- Umm Al Quwain University; UAE
      Every one pays taxes,therefor constitutions were keen to mention taxes as a result of adopting taxes in communities life. Gulf countries were not applying the constitutional phrases pertaining to taxes but shortly due to change of facts of life,the taxes have been a daily practice in ones life. Constitution , judiciary and legal know how had come to a conclusion that it is essential to have costitutional securities as basics to draw the features of any taxes law. This paper is discussing such constitutional securities as how implimented on value added tax.
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      Non- financial Management Obligations in Agreement, Administrative Management Obligations, Legislative Management Obligations (B.O.T) "Comparative Study"
      (2019-10-01) Aldayhani, Maged Malfy; Assistant Professor of Public Law Police College of Saad Al-Abdullah Academy for Security Sciences in the State of Kuwait; Kuwait
      Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Contract entered between the management and the project company results a number of obligations that the management has to implement and is imposed on the management under this contract. These obligations are financial liabilities and non-financial obligations, the subject of our research. In this study, we discussed the definition of the Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Contract, its types and legal nature. We also discussed the constitutional and legislative framework of Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Contract. Finally, we discussed the non-financial management obligations, which we have divided into administrative obligations and legislative obligations. Finally, this study had been concluded with several recommendations. The most important of which is that; the Bahraini legislator should develop a law regulating the BOT contracting system, similar to the Egyptian and Kuwaiti legislators and in line with recommendations of the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects and recommendations of the World Bank and UNIDO, in order to implement the Sustainable Development Strategy 2030 adopted by the United Nations (UN) and endorsed by most countries in the world, including Kingdom of Bahrain, to achieve sustainability in various sectors.
    • Item
      The Legal Perspective on Not Impairing the Capacity Of Future Generations to Meet their Needs in Achieving Development
      (2019-10-01) Alroies, Saqer Eid Fares; Assistant Professor of Public Law College of Law - University of Bahrain; Bahrain
      The aim of this research is to discuss the ability of future generations to achieve sustainable development without affecting their needs from a legal perspective. The research utilizes a modern approach to sustainable development which makes it more distinguished and contemporary than the traditional concept of sustainable development that proved inadequate for future generations. This new approach is called by some social scientists as the “generational gap development” or “equity among generations” or “future generations’ rights”. This research’s contribution is through the discussion of this new approach as a legal concept based on rules, regulations, and philosophical rights in support of future generations assisting them in living justice and equity. This is considered a paradigm shift as it’s hasn’t been practiced before.The main findings of this study is that the ability of future generations to meet their needs when achieving development poses a constraint on our current actions regarding the rights of people who have not yet to come. There is also a wide gap existing between the realities of the international sustainable development in general and the national constitution of law and its ability to provide the required legal protection. Finally the research provides recommendations in relation to those issues.
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      Procedural Guarantees for Victim of Human Trafficking in Bahraini legislation
      (2019-10-01) Basher, Adel Hamed; Associate Professor of Criminal Law College of Law- University of Bahrain; Bahrain
      The crime of trafficking in human beings constitutes an abuse and violation of human rights, making it a problem to be sold and bought, as well as the exploitation of the needs of vulnerable groups of humanity, especially women and children, as well as the adoption of organized criminal gangs for these crimes, Which amounts to the loss of their lives. As a result, the Egyptian Anti-Human Trafficking Law No. 64 of 2010 was issued and the organized decisions of the committees formed by it were rejected as a result of the urgent need to explain the crime of trafficking in human beings in order to achieve the proper application thereof. On the other hand, , In particular that legal studies are few in the search for guarantees for victims of human trafficking. The problem was also found in the Arab legislation, which tried to address this phenomenon through the enactment of some legislation, through which it tries to find some safeguards that provide protection to vulnerable groups, victims of the crime of trafficking in human beings.
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      Legislative Countering of Terrorism for Sustainable Development "Comparative study between the Egyptian and Bahraini laws"
      (2019-10-01) Salah, Shawqi Mohamed; Associate Professor of Civil Law Egyptian Police Academy; Egypt
      If terrorism has many destructive effects, development is the first; because terrorism affects tourism, foreign investments and other development activities. The fact states that there is no development without security stability; security is the gate of development. The research focuses on the legal approach of one of the most important elements that guard countering terrorist crimes which is the legislative confrontation of the financial capabilities of terrorism. The study is suggesting compensating the victims of terrorist crimes, and we provide through the study a system that allows tracking the properties of the terrorist during his life and also after his death. This is a form of reparation, for either the state or individual victims.The study aims at establishing a basic principle that “the right of the injured person to carry out his or her compensations for these crimes shall not be set to a statute of limitations. The fact is that the access of the injured parties to sentences of compensation in a terrorist offense is not difficult. The problem is often based on the implementation of these provisions, since it is difficult for the injured person to obtain his rights. The victim finds little money on the offender. The ownership of the convict in these crimes is based on the fact that his financial solvency is variable. However, after the end of his execution of the penalty, the offender may become a holder of money. The money is gains from his terrorist activity. We are keen to address this issue in order to find a legal system to trace those properties that allow the victimized person to be compensated. The suggested new legislative mechanisms include, among other things, a legislative amendment that allows the public prosecution or the military to exercise the mechanisms of the system. It includes the right of the state to claim the fines imposed in order to achieve the defined objectives. The legislator is also advised to include in the legislative amendments a text that provides for compensation for the victims of terrorist crimes in an instant manner through an organization established specifically for this purpose. This organization will have the moral personality which represents the victim of a terrorist attack. The compensation will not depend on the completion of the trial proceedings and the pursuit of the property of the terrorists; it is going to be an instant compensation.
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      Le rôle de la législation environnementale dans la mise en œuvre du développement durable à la lumière des cinq piliers du programme
      (2019-10-01) El Ghouati, Mohamed; Universite Mohamed 5 Rabat- Morocco; Morocco
      On peut dire franchement que c’est difficile d’élaborer actuellement des plans de développement sans prendre en compte les problèmes et les exigences de la nouvelle ère, pour parvenir à un développement durable garantissant le droit des générations futures une vie décente dans un environnement sain, et une société dans laquelle tous les aspects de la pauvreté, de la privation et de pillage de la nature sont éliminés, ceci ne peut être abouti sans une législation environnementale protégeant l’homme, la terre et l’air. Alors, face à l’importance du concept du développement durable, nous essayerons tout au long de notre intervention à apporter des reponses aux problématiques suivantes: • Dans quelle mesure la législation ou la loi de l’environnement contribue-t-elle au développement durable?; • Qu'est-ce que la loi de l’environnement, et quelle est la différence en termes de forme et de contenu entre ce dernier et les autres lois?; • A la lumière des cinq piliers du programme 2030, quels sont les outils que les institutions doivent adopter pour conduire, préparer, et appliquer la loi de l'environnement pour la mise en œuvre du développement durable; Afin de rependre à ces problématiques, notre intervention serra subdivisées deux axes principaux, il s’agit de : • Les caractéristiques et les piliers de la loi de l’environnement ; • La réflexion et les retombés de cette loi sur le développement durable