07. Journal of Islamic Financial Studies

e-ISSN 2469-259X​​
Managing Editor: Bora Aktan
Email: jifs@uob.edu.bh
No Publication Fee

Aims and Scope

The Journal of Islamic Financial Studies (JIFS) is a double-blind peer-reviewed international academic journal which adopts a continuous publication model, embraces several key aims and a defined scope to navigate the dynamic landscape of Islamic as well as traditional business research.

The core objectives:
  • Promote high-quality research in Islamic finance: JIFS aims to be a leading platform for scholars and practitioners to disseminate cutting-edge research and contribute to the development of Islamic and conventional business and finance theory and practice.
  • Enhance knowledge dissemination: The continuous publication model facilitates rapid publication, ensuring research reaches readers promptly and informs current discussions and debates in the field.
  • Increase accessibility and inclusivity: By breaking away from fixed issue schedules, JIFS welcomes a wider range of submissions and encourages diverse perspectives on Islamic and conventional business and finance
  • Foster open dialogue and collaboration: The continuous format allows for prompt responses to published articles through comments and discussions, fostering a dynamic and collaborative research environment.

  • The Scope:
  • Theoretical and empirical research: JIFS welcomes submissions from various methodological approaches, including theoretical studies, empirical analyses, and case studies, that contribute to our understanding of Islamic and conventional business and finance principles, models, and practices.
  • Broad range of topics: The journal covers a wide spectrum of themes within Islamic finance, encompassing financial institutions, instruments, products, regulations, ethical considerations, and social impact.
  • Interdisciplinary approach: JIFS encourages research that fosters dialogue between Islamic finance and other disciplines, including economics, finance, law, and social sciences. This comparative approach promotes deeper understanding and strengthens the interconnectedness of knowledge within the broader financial landscape.
  • Global perspective: The journal welcomes research from across the globe, recognizing the diverse and evolving nature of both Islamic business and finance practices as well as conventional ones and comparative analyses in different countries and regions. JIFS is interested in research addressing current and emerging challenges in the following categories
    (including but not limited to):
  • Theory of Conventional and Islamic Business and Finance
  • Islamic and Conventional Business and Globalization
  • Sustainable Business, Finance and Sustainable Development
  • Financial Innovations and Islamic Business
  • Use of AI in Islamic Banking and Finance
  • Financial Technology (Fintech)
  • Islamic and Conventional Financial Products and Securitization
  • Financial Markets, Institutions, and Instruments
  • Investment Strategies
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics
  • Islamic Corporate Governance
  • Socially Responsible Investing (SRI)
  • Legal, Regulatory, And Institutional Foundations of Islamic Finance
  • Islamic Commercial Jurisprudence
  • Islamic Banking Techniques and Their Conformity with The Islamic Law
  • Financial Engineering and Risk Management
  • Global and Regional Integration of Financial Markets
  • Behavioral Economics and Finance
  • Insurance and Takaful
  • Corporate Finance
  • Public Finance
  • Green Finance
  • Islamic Accounting Practices and Principles
  • Islamic Endowment Funds
  • Entrepreneurship and Small Business Ownership

  • Open Access Policy

    The Editorial Office fully supports the global movement for free and open access to academic research results publication. We are convinced that free of charge online accessibility of research results promotes the development of university education and sciences worldwide. Thus, the Board takes an obligation to post in a timely manner every new issue of the journal for free download and further reading and to maintain the permanent archive of all published issues on the site of the journal. We are welcoming everybody who joins the community of our readers. However, we also expect that all works published online would not be subject to plagiarism and would be referenced properly in all further sources. Business Model / Publishing Fees

    The journal is fully funded by the following organization:
    University of Bahrain

    Therefore, the Editorial Board has currently the capacities not to ask for publishing fees from the authors' side. In case if financial situation changes in the future – the Board will post this information online and notify via the email all concerned parties about such changes.​


    Dr. Abdulla Al Jalahma

    Managing Editor

    Dr. Gokhan Bora Aktan

    Editorial Boardr

  • Dr. Abdulrahman Al Saadi
  • Prof. Sasa Zikovic
  • Prof. Manuela Tvaronaviciene
  • Pr. Abdul Waheeb
  • Dr. Fuad Kreishan
  • Prof. Vidaburi Sander Raghavan
  • Dr. Farkhanda Shamim
  • Dr. Irina Aidrous
  • Prof. Khamis Hamad Al Yahya
  • Dr. Sara Al Balooshi
  • Prof. Bruce Burton
  • Dr. Chan Sok Gee
  • Dr. Yener Coskun
  • Dr. Mohammad Omar Farooq
  • Dr. Ammar Juraisat
  • Prof. Sayed Sadiq

  • Advisory Board

  • Dr. Nizam Yaqoobi
  • Prof. Ahmed El-Masry
  • Prof. Mondher Bellalah
  • Dr. Sutan Emir Hidayat

  • Instructions for Authors
    All contributions emailed to the editorial office for consideration are initially treated as authors' original research and are subject to double-blind peer-review according to the standard academic practice in the field.

    General Information
    Only papers in English are considered. Each article is reviewed by two experts, appointed by the Editorial Board, from the list of in-house reviewers approved by the Board who will examine the manuscript in terms of its relevance, originality of contribution and applicability. An electronic copy for anonymous consideration should be prepared in MS Word, Times New Roman following the technical requirements presented below. Contributions in pdf cannot be considered for technical reasons.

    Structure of the Article
    An article should preferable include the following structural units: title, authors' names and affiliations; abstract and keywords, introduction (with the object and goal of the research, the methods applied, the review of literature and its analysis, etc.), the main text, conclusions or recommendations, references at the end of the article. The authors may wish to provide personal data in a separate Word file. In any case, each submission would be anonymized and decoded before it is offered for blind review. Depending on the style and methodology of a particular research, some of the units may be omitted and added. However, the text should still maintain the internal logic of research material presentation which would be easy to follow by a reviewer, editor and further readers from the wider public.

    Format of the Article
    The text of the article should be with single intervals on 240​x170 mm format pages with the print area of 130×183 mm each. The length of the article cannot exceed 25 pages. The title of the article should be printed in 13 pt bold type, centered. There should be a single line space between the title and the author's name. The name and surname of the authors should be 9 pt bold type, also centred. Below the author's surname, the name of the institution (represented by the author or coauthors) must be printed in 8​ pt italic; its address and the author's contact e-mail, centred.

    Abstract and Keywords should be single spaced, 9 pt, in one column and after the institution address and space of three lines below the institution address should be left. Abstract and Keywords must be printed in bold.
    The size of the abstract – about 400-600 typographic characters overall. There should be a space of one line between the abstract and keywords.
    5-8 keywords should be provided which represent the core contents and central ideas of the paper.
    Introduction, main text and conclusions should be printed in 9 pt type single interval in one column at the distance of 1 line from keywords.
    Figures or tables should be of high printing quality. Graphics material of no less than 300 dpi, standard page size.

    If figures, tables, diagrams etc. are borrowed, not constructed/calculated by the author – this should be properly indicated with an exact reference.
    The titles of chapters and sub-chapters - 9 pt bold-regular, aligned left. Introduction, titles of chapters and conclusions must be numbered.
    The name of the author of the source, year of publication and pages should be presented in the text in brackets. The full list of references must be given after the conclusions. The word References is spelled in 9 pt bold-regular type, left ranged and the list of references goes in 9 pt. The references are to be presented in alphabetical order, in the original language of publication, while translation into English, whenever needed, is given in square brackets after.

    All references should be arranged according to Harvard style. For example, please, visit, for example:

    http://libguides.nus.edu.sg/c.php?g=145626&p=955164 ​
    http://libguides.nus.edu.sg/c.php?g=145626&p=955164 ​

    The authors are also encouraged to use the following template.
    JIFS Template​ ​
    Copyright 2023.docx ​

    Journal of Islamic Financial Studies (JIFS) is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and takes all possible measures against publication malpractice. Authors who submit papers to JIFS attest that their work is original and unpublished, is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. In addition, authors are supposed to confirm that their paper is their own; that it has not been copied or plagiarized, in whole or in part, from other works; and that they do not have any actual or potential conflicts of interest related to the presented work or commercial benefits associated with it.

    Overall, in all its practices, policies and procedures the Editorial Board is doing its best to follow the common International standards.


    Decision on Publication of Articles

    The Editor in Chief of JIFS is responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted to the journal should be published. The Editor in Chief is also guided by the policies of the Scientific Publishing Center of the University of Bahrain and subjected to such legal requirements regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism.

    Review of Manuscripts

    Decision-making Editor in Chief must ensure that each manuscript is initially evaluated by the editor/co-editor, making use of appropriate software to examine the originality of the contents.
    The choice of a particular software for plagiarism check is subject to chief editor/host editor preferences and general availability/access. In contradictory cases two or more ways can be applied to make sure higher efficiency of plagiarism testing is reached. The text is forwarded to blind review only AFTER the positive result (that is, no borrowings detected) is known.
    Each of two anonymous reviewers is supposed to provide a recommendation on whether to publish (or not) the manuscript in its present form or to modify it for further publishing. In case of contradiction and/or bias presented in the reviews, the final decision remains to be the responsibility of the editor in chief. However, if the latter decides against the decision of a reviewer – the chief editor is expected to provide feedback to the reviewer explaining the reasons behind such a decision. In case two reviews of the same text provide the opposite, contradicting results – the final decision remains to be the responsibility of the chief editor.
    We expect our reviewers provide their feedback in a timely and polite manner, with the max accurate wording and well-grounded explanation of their views and decisions. The review timing, depending on the load and reviewers' availability, may be from 3 weeks up to 3 months (in extraordinary cases).


    The Editors in Chief/editors and any editorial staff must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, and the publisher.
    The Editorial Board does not communicate on publishing decisions with third parties, other than authors directly, even in those cases when third party represents the same institution to which an author is affiliated.



    In case, a reviewer feels that it is not possible for him/her to complete the review within the indicated time framework - this must be communicated to the chief editor, so that the manuscript could be reassigned to another reviewer.

    All information regarding manuscripts and provided on the pages of the manuscripts under review should be kept confidential and treated as privileged information.

    Acknowledgement of Sources

    Regardless the results of plagiarism check, the reviewers are responsible, inter alia, for analyzing the reference list used and literature review within the text so that to assess proper citing and relevance of the sources chosen to the topic and the problem posed. All borrowed fragments must be accompanied by relevant citations data. All quotes must be arranged according to internationally acknowledged standards of referencing.


    Data Access and Retention

    Authors may be asked at any stage of paper consideration to provide the related raw data and calculations for additional review and double check. Such data should be also kept in store after the actual publication of the paper for at least 2 calendar years after the article was published.

    Originality and Plagiarism

    All texts submitted are treated by default as authors' original contribution at which all borrowed data are referenced properly. Any violations related to copyright and authorship as well as repeated attempts to present plagiarized work as own may become the reasons for author's ban, temporary or permanent, from all further cooperation with the journal.

    ​Multiple Publications

    It is among the top priority policies for the journal to prevent and avoid by all means what is known as research salami and/or texts cloning. Thus, we ask all our authors to restrain from multiple publishing and/or duplication of the materials for publishing in several journals in parallel. We treat such behavior as unacceptable; therefore, cases of obvious research results repetition would be considered as self-plagiarism and banned accordingly.

    Authorship of the Paper

    Authorship of an article should be limited specifically to those who indeed contributed to the initial concept, design, methodology, carrying out the research and follow-up analysis of the results. All those with significant contributions to the empirical part of the research study should be listed as coauthors. Other contributors who participated indirectly and/or insignificantly could be mentioned in the acknowledgement lines.

    Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest

    I​f the authors anticipate a potential conflict of interests related to copyright or commercial interest – they are encouraged to inform the editorial office explaining the situation and the potential risks, however, the conflict itself should be resolved independently.
    All sources of financial support/ grant sources/sponsorship/product placement fees related to publication should be mentioned in the acknowledgement lines with the exact and accurate indication of all necessary data (e.g., project # and name, sponsoring institution etc.).

    Fundamental Errors in Published Works

    If an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own already published work, it is the author's obligation to promptly notify the editorial office with the retraction request providing all necessary details. In all retraction procedures the Editorial Board intends to follow the standard COPE rules and recommendations.

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    Search Results

    Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
    • Item
      The correlation of the value of amanah and islamic pricing theory with customer satisfaction and its implication on customer loyalty in hajj and umrah service products in surabaya
      (University of Bahrain, 2017-06-01) Septiarini, Dina Fitrisia
      In the highly competitive business of umrah and hajj services, every enterprise must find ways to maintain or develop customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, not only for the short period but also in the long term. The value of amanah and Islamic Pricing Theory are some of the factors which are influential in developing customer satisfaction and loyalty. This study aimed to find out the correlation between the value of amanah and Islamic Pricing Theory with customer satisfaction and their implication on customer loyalty. The approach employed in this research was quantitative using PLS analysis technique. There were three variables: which are independent, dependent, and intervening variables. The independent variables were the value of amanah and Islamic Pricing Theory while the dependent variable was customer satisfaction, and the intervening variable was customer loyalty. The subjects of the research were 100 customers that had used agencies providing umrah and/or hajj services in Surabaya. The data analysis instrument applied was SPSS. From this research, it can be concluded that Islamic Pricing Theory significantly affects customer satisfaction. This is indicated by the value of T Statistics reaching 6.666900 and shows positive correlation which is evident from the positive value of path coefficient estimation. In addition, customer satisfaction significantly affects customer loyalty as shown by the value of T Statistics reaching 3.562147 and has positive correlation. The concept of amanah does not provide a significant effect on customer satisfaction as indicated by the value of T Statistics of 1.617197. Additionally, the belief on Amanah does not provide a significant effect on customer loyalty as indicated by the value of T Statistics of 1.057132 belief is amanuh.
    • Item
      Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: A Case of Islamic Banks in Bahrain
      (University of Bahrain, 2017-06-01) Ahmed, Saad Mateen; Hidayat, Sutan Emir
      The quality of service plays a vital role in any service related economic sector including the banking services industry. In service providing companies, improving service quality is now regarded as the most significant act in attaining a competitive edge in the market. Bahraini Islamic banking services quality is the focus of this study. Hence the objective of this study is to investigate the correlation between service quality and customer satisfaction. A structured questionnaire was employed to collect data from 237 customers of six retail Islamic banks in Bahrain. The current study is likely to recognize the accomplishment of customer satisfaction through the measurement of service quality and to prouide recommendations in developing an effective Islamic banking service quality. The outcomes of the present study, apart from bridging the gap in the literature, also provide practitioners with ingenious ideas for improving service quality with the intention of accomplishing a competitive advantage in the Islamic retail banking sector in Bahrain.
    • Item
      The Influence of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction on Customer Attitude: A Case of Al-Rajhi Bank in Saudi Arabia
      (University of Bahrain, 2016-12-01) Hidayat, Sutan Emir; Al-Khalifa, Khalid M.; Al-Madi, Hanouf S.
      This study aims to empirically investigate the influence of perceived service quality and customer satisfaction on customer attitude towards Islamic banking using Al Rajhi Bank, the world’s largest Islamic bank, as a case study. A survey questionnaire was used as the research instrument to collect the data for this study. A total of 140 questionnaires were distributed to Al-Rajhi Bank’s customers, 86 were received and 2 were discarded leaving 84 questionnaires that can be used for data analysis. Linear regression analysis was performed to test the causal relationship between the variables. This study found both perceived customer satisfaction and service quality have a significant positive relationship with customer attitude towards Islamic banking. The results indicate that the positive relation between variables means increasing the quality of the services offered by bank for its customers will enhance and improve the customer attitude towards the bank’s services. The same conclusion applies to customer satisfaction. This study can be used as an input for Al-Rajhi Bank’s management and other Islamic banks’ management in setting up strategies and policies to improve their service quality and customer satisfaction. It is important to note that a good understanding of customer attitude toward bank services leads to a better understanding of customer behavior. This study also adds value to the relatively limited number of literature on customer attitude towards Islamic banking services.