10. International Journal of Pedagogical Innovations

e-ISSN: 2210-1543​​
DOI: dx.doi.org/10.12785/ijpi​​​
Managing Editor: FatenS. M. Abdel-Hameed
Email: tijpi@uob.edu.bh ​​
​Frequency: 2 issues annually ​
No Publication fee

IJPI is a half yearly, peer-reviewed publication for educators, aiming to promote educational innovation to bring about improvements in, and a better understanding of, policy and practices of learning, teaching, assessment and curriculum development.

The journal welcomes contributions, in English, from academics, researchers, decision makers, school leaders and education practitioners concerning recent developments in theory and practice, case studies, qualitative and quantitative research, action research, book reviews, commentaries and discussion papers.

Topics: Topics covered include, but are not limited to:

  • Pedagogical innovations in education
  • Innovations in classroom learning, teaching or assessment
  • Curriculum innovations
  • Policies and leadership issues in achieving pedagogical innovation​
  • Cultural, social and change management issues in implementing pedagogical innovation
  • Cost, risk, quality assurance, training and development issues in pedagogical innovation
  • Performance indicators for pedagogical innovation
  • Learning and teaching models and methodologies
  • Students learning evaluation and assessment innovations
  • The role of knowledge management and technology in pedagogical innovations.

  • ​Editor-in-Chief

    ​Lucy Bailey, Dean, Bahrain Teachers College, University of Bahrain

    Managing Editor and Co-Founder

    Faten S. M. Abdel-Hameed, Associate Prof., Bahrain Teachers College, University of Bahrain

    Editorial Board

  • Sana S. Al-Haddad, Assistant Under Secretary for Strategy & Performance
  • Prof. Tharwat Alsakran, American University of Sharjah, UAE
  • Prof. Ghada AbdelHafeez, Arab Open University, Kingdom of Bahrain
  • Dr. Farzana AlMaraghi, Higher Education Council, MOE, Kingdom of Bahrain
  • Dr. Hasan AlWadi, University of Bahrain
  • Dr. Ernest Affari, University of Bahrain
  • Dr. Aysha AlShamsi, Higher College of Technology, UAE
  • Dr. Nidal Alhaj Sleiman, Ulster University, UK
  • Dr. Rania Swalhi, Qatar University, Qatar

  • Advisory Board

  • Prof. Clive Dimmock, University of Glasgow, UK
  • Prof. Marek Teaser, University of Auckland, NZ
  • Prof. Fahad AlShaya, King Saud University, KSA
  • Prof. Saleh Al-Busaidi, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
  • Prof. Salah A.A. Emara, University College of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain
  • Prof. Amal Al-Saleh, University of Kuwait, Kuwait
  • Dr. Reem AlBuainain, Euro University of Bahrain

  • ​​The International Journal of Pedagogical Innovations, IJPI, accepts contributions in English from academics, researchers, scholars, decision makers, education practitioners, teachers and graduate students in education and related fields. In addition to original qualitative and quantitative research on the recent developments in theory and practice, IJPI welcomes case studies and action research articles, book reviews, commentaries and discussion papers that reflect on frontiers of innovation in education.

    IJPI has a two-stage review process. In the first stage, all manuscripts that are submitted to IJPI go through an initial screening process and are read by two Editorial Board members. Those that pass the first stage are passed on to two or three field experts for review. Authors of manuscripts rejected at this stage will be informed within four weeks of receipt.

    Manuscript will be reviewed within three months of the submission dates. Referees advise the managing editor on the suitability of the manuscript for publication in IJPI. The final decision on publication is made by the Managing Editor upon recommendation of the Editorial Board Members and Peer Reviewers. The final decision will be sent to the author along with any recommendations made by the referees.

    It is the policy of IJPI to consider for publication only manuscripts that are not simultaneously being considered elsewhere.

    Authors are requested to follow the directions presented in the following SPC copyright.pdf ​ and then Submit through "Submission Button"

    IJPI practices a peer review process to screen the submitted manuscripts in order to ensure the quality of the papers accepted for publication. Our referees play an essential role in maintaining the high standards of IJPI.

    All manuscripts are peer reviewed according to the following steps:

    Initial manuscript evaluation ​

    The Managing Editor and members of the Editorial Board evaluate all manuscripts. Those that meet the minimum criteria are passed on to two or three field experts for review. Authors of manuscripts rejected at this stage will be informed within four weeks of receipt.

    Peer Review process

    IJPI employs double- or triple-blind reviewing, where the referees and author(s) remain anonymous throughout the reviewing process. Referees are matched to the paper according to their areas of specialties. Our list of peer reviewers is constantly updated.

    Two independent referees are asked to evaluate the research originality, methodology, ethics and results and academic presentation of the paper, as well as the suitability for the scope of IJPI. Reviewers do not correct language or edit the grammar as part of the peer review process, though poor standards of either may constitute grounds for rejection. Should the two referee reports contradict one another, a third referee will be contacted. Referees may request more than one revision of a manuscript.

    Referees advise the managing editor on the suitability of the manuscript for publication in IJPI, but the editor-in-chief and the managing editor are responsible for the final decision to accept or reject the article. A final decision to accept or reject the manuscript will be sent to the author(s) along with any recommendations made by the referees.

    If you are interested in serving as a reviewer/referee for IJPI, please contact the Managing Editor at tijpi@uob.edu.bh with your full contact information, area of expertise and list of the recent publications. All our referees sign a conflict-of-interest statement. It should be noted that our policy for assigning reviewers is that:
  • Reviewers must not be based at the same institution as the author(s) of the paper.
  • Reviewers must not be based in the same institution as the funding body of the paper.
  • Reviewers must not have been recommended by the author(s) of the paper.

  • Peer reviewers will be acknowledged in an annual statement in the journal if they have reviewed a manuscript in the preceding 12 months. They are also able to cite their work for the International Journal of Pedagogical Innovations as part of their professional development requirements.

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    Search Results

    Now showing 1 - 7 of 7
    • Item
      Students' Level of Awareness of Accreditation Process: A Case of University College of Bahrain
      (University of Bahrain, 2018-01) Hidayat,Sutan Emir; Sawaya, Rana; Al-Khalifa,Khalid M.
      Accreditation has become an essential element in educational sector especially when it comes to higher education level. One of the key success measures of the accreditation process is the involvement of all stakeholders in the process. To be involved in the process, the stakeholders must be aware of the importance of accreditation. One of the key stakeholders in the university is the student. The purpose of this study is to measure the level of University College of Bahrain (UCB) students’ awareness of the importance of accreditation process taken place at the University. A survey questionnaire was used as the research instrument of this study. The questionnaire was distributed to 150 UCB students using convenience sampling technique. All of them filled up the questionnaire giving 100 percent response rate. The survey results reveal that UCB students are generally aware of the importance of accreditation as shown by their agreement to all statements in the questionnaire. Among the importance of accreditation process that obtained an elevated level of awareness are “Accredited Universities give their graduates a better opportunity to get a job after graduation,” “Accredited universities give their graduates a better opportunity to succeed in their workplace” and “Accreditation strengthens the university’s image.” The study is expected to benefit UCB management as an input to make strategic decisions for a success accreditation process. This is because students perceive accreditation process as very important. In addition, this study can also be used by Higher Education Council (HEC) of Ministry of Education in Bahrain as an input for them in making policies with regards to the awareness campaign of its accreditation process. Since the study is the first study conducted in Bahrain in this aspect to the best knowledge of the researchers, the results of this study can be used as a reference for further studies in the Kingdom and other studies worldwide.
    • Item
      Benefits and Challenges of Shariah Convergence: Educators' Opinion in Bahrain
      (University of Bahrain, 2017-07) Hidayat,Sutan Emir
      The purpose of the paper is to identify benefits and challenges of Shariah convergence. The paper uses library/literature based method which is a kind of qualitative research approach. In addition, structured interview were conducted with 3 Shariah scholars asking their opinions about the benefits and challenges of Shariah convergence. The paper finds that there are many benefits of Shar ah convergence. Those benefits can boost the development of Islamic financial industry into a higher phase if they are materialized. However, to realize those benefits there are several challenges that need to be overcome. This paper is expected to bring the at ention of Islamic finance stakeholders towards the issue for further actions.
    • Item
      The Role of Education In Awareness Enhancement of Takaful: A Literature Review
      (University of Bahrain, 2015) Hidayat,Sutan Emir
      The purpose of this study is to evaluate the general level of public awareness towards Takaful concept and principles, and the role of education in enhancing public awareness on Takaful concept and principles. In addition, the study also evaluates some important issues that need to be taken into consideration by Takaful stakeholders in integrating Takaful courses into academic curriculum of higher learning institutions. Using literature/library based method, which is a kind of qualitative research approach, the study finds that the global level of public awareness on Takaful concepts and principles is relatively low. Review of literature also reveals that education plays an importance role in enhancing public awareness on Takaful concepts and principles. Therefore, integrating Takaful courses into academic curriculum of higher learning institutions is important to enhance the level of public awareness. The study also finds that there is a skill mismatch issue within Islamic finance industry in general including Takaful segment. Close and intensive collaboration between regulators, Takaful companies and universities and training institutes that are currently offering or intend to offer Takaful courses is highly recommended to overcome the skill mismatch issue. This study is expected to benefit Takaful regulators, higher learning institutions offering Takaful courses and Takaful companies in terms of providing them with the inputs to enhance public awareness on Takaful concept and principles.
    • Item
      Forensic Accounting Education In Bahrain: A Survey on Educators’ Opinion
      (University of Bahrain, 2015) Hidayat,Sutan Emir; Al-Hadrami,Abdullah Hamzah
      Since the beginning of the 21st century, the interest in forensic accounting started to increase noticeably; arguably the subject matter lends itself to the delivery of this topic in the accounting curriculum in universities. This study aims to explore the educators’ opinion on the perceived importance of forensic accounting and integrating certain forensic accounting topics into the accounting curriculum in the universities in Bahrain. The study surveyed 34 accounting educators. The results indicated that the majority of the respondents are familiar with forensic accounting and expecting an increasing demand on it in the coming future. Additionally, the findings revealed that there is a consensus among all the accounting educators regarding the perceived importance of forensic accounting and integrating certain forensic accounting topics in the accounting curriculum. However, no significant differences were found among accounting educators as for the importance of forensic accounting and the integration of specific forensic accounting topics in the curriculum when they are grouped according to gender, educational level, academic rank, and years of experience. In light of these findings the study recommends that the accounting departments in Bahraini universities should be encouraged to offer a program that specializes in forensic accounting or at least offer a course in this topic in the accounting curriculum.
    • Item
      A Survey on the Need to Offer Forensic Accounting Education in the Kingdom of Bahrain
      (University of Bahrain, 2014) Hidayat,Sutan Emir; Al-Sadiq,Amani Ali
      The purpose of this study was to gather information on the opinions of accounting practitioners on the need for delivering forensic accounting education at universities in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The study also explored the accounting practitioners' familiarity with forensic accounting, their opinions on forensic accounting demand expectation, the importance of perceived benefits of forensic accounting education and the importance of integrating certain forensic accounting topics into accounting curriculum. Questionnaires were used to collect the data. Results of the study show that the majority of respondents is familiar with forensic accounting, expecting demand for forensic accounting to increase, considering perceived benefits of forensic accounting education as very important and believing certain forensic accounting topics as very important topics to be integrated into accounting curriculum of the universities in Bahrain. The results are useful for educational institutions in order to set up a plan to offer forensic accounting courses in the Kingdom of Bahrain. They also offer guidance for future research about forensic accounting and forensic accounting education in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
    • Item
      An Analysis on Disclosures in the Annual Reports of Islamic Banks in Bahrain
      (University of Bahrain, 2014) Hidayat,Sutan Emir; Abdulrahman,Nayla Abdulla
      The purpose of this study is to evaluate the compliance of Islamic Banks in Bahrain to the mandatory disclosure requirements of the latest AAOIFI accounting standards and to measure the level of voluntary disclosure made by those banks. In order to achieve these objectives, this study conducted a checklist survey in which year 2010 annual reports of 5 Islamic banks are obtained and examined. The level of mandatory and voluntary disclosures by the banks is measured based on the individual scores obtained by each bank through the use of a “disclosure index”. The results show that there is a high level of compliance by the Islamic banks in Bahrain to the mandatory disclosure requirements of the AAOIFI accounting standards. Interestingly, the study also finds that the level of voluntary disclosure by the Islamic banks in Bahrain is high. Last but not the least, the findings of this study provide a useful insight into the practices of Islamic banks with regards to mandatory and voluntary disclosure, a subject matter that has been rarely covered in the previous studies on disclosure as evidenced in the limited numbers of literatures available. Hence, this study adds a new dimension to the previous studies in this area, and also provides a starting point for future research possibilities in the area of financial reporting of Islamic banks.
    • Item
      How Important Is An Effective Leader In Creating Business Sustainability? (A Case Study: Unilever P.L.C)
      (University of Bahrain, 2013) Hidayat,Sutan Emir; Gayasuddin ,Muhammad; Muhammad, Mushtaq Ali
      The purpose of this paper is to describe the principles of effective leadership and illustrate how an effective leader transforms his company throughout the phases of business sustainability. This paper also elaborates strategies for implementing sustainability and presents a case study that reflects the implementation of those strategies in practice. This paper is prepared using library /literatures based method and case study which are kinds of qualitative research approach. The literatures on leadership and sustainability and the case study used in this paper show us that business sustainability can only be achieved through effective leadership. The paper also finds that effective leaders can be developed by embedding the seven principles of effective leadership into personality of the company's leaders through effective leadership development program. This paper links the leadership field of the study into the sustainability field of the study. This paper expects to benefit the company's stakeholders in the sense that it is a kind of reminder on the importance of effective leadership in creating business sustainability. This paper also can be used as a reference for future researches in the area of leadership and sustainability.