The Talking with silence phenomenon or using silence in the poetry context that emerged remarbably in the modern Arabic poetry deserves scrutiny and study. This phenomenon has roots in the Arabic poetry tradition, the most important of which is what is called in Arabic eloquence (Al Ektefaa) which is a simple aspect of silence because the listener often recognizes what is silenced. But silence in its modren type often comforms to the psychological and emotional poem context, which can be interpreted in the brain by many ideologies, giving it wider models of some modern poetry pioneers. Silence is an aspect of the hidden talking chosen by the poet for political, social or other reasons; it has various forms and different methods. Because of its effect in building the recent poem and its indications, some of the critics refuse it and see it as written tricks and this situation, in my opinion, gave some poets the opportunity for obvious exaggeration to fill the poem lines with lines without awareness of it significance.