In an era of digitalization, a precise, accurate and portable feature is the prime concern of any gadget in the market. The accuracy of any design depends on supply variation, circuit methodology and environmental upshots. This paper propose a compensated supply circuit topology using PTAT and CTAT techniques for a ring oscillator as modern data converter architecture application. In this circuit, an appropriately weighted threshold voltage of diode (VTHP, VTHN) helps provide a constant voltage when supply voltage varies from 1.6 to 5volt. To compensate the temperature variation which varies from (-50 to 1300C) that will be acquired through the help of complementary to absolute temperature (CTAT) and be proportional to absolute temperature (PTAT) voltage. With the help of a high speed low dropout voltage regulator, the output of the proposed circuit becomes adaptive. It can significantly reduce the power dissipation with respect to uncompensated supply circuit. It is implemented on Cadence Virtuoso with 65-nm CMOS technology, the simulation results of ring oscillator have verified the success of PVTCS where a ring oscillator works as the load of the circuit which shows a high frequency oscillation at 413.8MHz and reduces the power consumption by 72.25 % with 42.6 % better proportional speed. In this paper, Monte-Carlo analysis for power dissipation and corner analysis are carried out for the proposed circuit.These simulations show the stability of the proposed circuit. Layout of the proposed circuit is designed on 65-nm CMOS technology.