University of Bahrain
Scientific Journals

11. International Journal of Computing and Network Technology

11. International Journal of Computing and Network Technology


ISSN 2210-1519
Managing Editor​ A. Y. M. Al-Omary ​
Frequ​ency: 3 issues annually
No Publication Fee

The International Journal of Computing and Network Technology (IJCNT) is a is a peer-reviewed International Journal that publishes technical papers describing recent research and development work in all aspects of computing and computer networks. Papers must be written in English. They must not have been previously published and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The frequency of International Journal of Computing and Network Technology (IJCNT) is four issues per year. It has both print and online versions.

In order to be considered for publication, your introduction should clearly explain the novelty, urgency and originality of the research in your article.
Plagiarism, or copying text or results from other sources, is unethical behavior and is not tolerated at this journal. All manuscripts will be checked for originality using the CrossCheck database. For more information on CrossCheck please visit

Manuscripts submitted for publication must be in English and should be submitted via the web.
There are no page charges for publishing in this journal.

The International Journal of Computing and Network Technology publish articles which contribute new techniques and results in all areas of networking and computing. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
  • Network Protocols & Wireless Networks
  • High speed networks
  • Routing, switching and addressing techniques
  • Adhoc and sensor networks
  • Internet and Web applications
  • Ubiquitous networks
  • Ubiquitous computing systems
  • Measurement & Performance Analysis
  • QoS and Resource Management
  • Network Based applications
  • Network Security
  • Recent trends & Developments in Computer Networks
  • Data mining and web mining algorithms
  • Image processing and computer graphics
  • Network routing and communication algorithms
  • Machine Learning
  • Intelligent computing and neural networks
  • Applied cryptography
  • Database security
  • Cluster computing
  • Grid computing systems
  • Cloud computing
  • Multicore computing
  • High-performance scientific computing
  • FPGA and reconfigurable architecture
  • RFID
  • Embedded systems
  • Distributed data and knowledge based systems
  • Distributed system/network security
  • Reliability and fault-tolerance ​

  • ​​

  • H. Al-Rizzo, Department of Systems Engineering, Donaghey College of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA

  • Managing Editor
  • A. Y. M. Al-Omary, Dept. of Computer Engineering, College of IT, University of Bahrain

  • Editorial Board
  • ​A. Hossen, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
  • R. Al-Hakim, Dept. Of Computer Engineering,College of IT, University of Bahrain
  • M. Othman, Department of Communication Technology and Network Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
  • B. COUSIN, IRISA research laboratory, Université de Rennes 1, France
  • Zhi Sun, Broadband Wireless Networking Lab, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
  • H. Alinejad-Rokny, Newcastle, NSW, Australia
  • D. Reavis, Texas A&M University-Texarkana, USA
  • A. B. Mnaouer, Vice-Dean for Graduate Studies and Research College of Computer Engineering and IT, Dar Al Uloom University,Saudia Arabia
  • M. Younis, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
  • Basil Mahmood, Electronic Engineering College, University of Mosul, Iraq​
  • Hisham Al-Ammal, Computer Science Department, IT college, University of Bahrain

  • ​International Journal of Computing and Network Technology (IJCNT) is a peer-reviewed International Journal that publishes technical papers describing recent research and development work in all aspects of computing and computer networks, including the development of electronic design automation tools.

    Authors are requested to follow the directions presented in the following IJCNT template.docx and fill the following SPC copyright.pdf ​ and then submit through "Submission Button"

    All manuscripts submitted to International Journal of Computing and Network Technology (IJCNT) are subject to peer review and must meet academic standards. Submissions will be, first, considered by an editor-in-chief, and then be reviewed by anonymous reviewers. Once the author submits any manuscript, an acknowledgment shall be sent to the author along with a technical paper for peer-review. The concerned manuscript shall be simultaneously reviewed by our extensive internal review/ referee network. The terms and conditions that behold any general reviewer/referee shall also hereby levied upon the peer-reviewers.

    Referees are formal reviewers whose comments and opinions will form the basis upon which the Editor will decide whether or not to publish the paper, and with what changes. International Journal of Computing and Network Technology (IJCNT) requires that referees treat the contents of papers under review as privileged information, not to be disclosed to others before publication. The referees are protected from personal interactions with the author by withholding their names. The Editors decision is always based on all the reviews received, but mixed reviews present the need for the exercise of editorial judgment. Thus, the final decision for acceptance or rejection lies with the Editor. The review process shall ensure that all authors have equal opportunity for publication of their papers.

    Review Steps
    All manuscript will be assigned to more than one reviewer through 5 steps. As soon as we receive an article, the Editorial office will Pre-Review your manuscript in one week. The officer will check whether the manuscript is valid and language is fluent and necessary factors are all included. The officer will also cross check the article in crossref database in order to avoid plagirsm. The following is a formal review process accomplished by other official reviewers for one month. It is decided by Editor-in-Chief in one week whether your manuscript is accepted or not. All submitted papers will be reviewed in about six weeks.

    Chart 1
    Type of Peer Review
    This journal follows blind reviewing process, where both the referee and author remain anonymous throughout the process.

    Formal Conditions of Acceptance
    Each article submitted to us will be reviewed by at least 2 reviewers. Moreover the papers will be checked for linguistic consistency. Thematic review will decide whether to accept or reject according to the originality, significance for theory and practice, quality of content and presentation of submitted paper.

    Chart 2

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