01. Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences


e-ISSN 2576-5299

Managing Editor:Prof. Waheeb E. Alnaser
Frequency:3 issues per year

Aims and scope

Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences publishes high-quality, Open Access original research within the natural and applied sciences with a strong focus on discrete mathematics and environmental chemistry.

The journal aims to connect researchers in the region to one another and to the wider, international scientific community.

All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous double blind peer review by expert international referees, after initial editor screening. We publish full length original articles, reviews, letters to the editor and short communications scientific articles in English.

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Prof. Mohammad El-Hilo - General Secretary of Society of Colleges of Science in Arab Universities; and Dean of College of Science, University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain

Managing Editor

Prof. Waheeb E. Alnaser - Vice President for academic and postgraduate programs, University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain

Editorial Secretary

Dr. Ali Salman Bin Thani - University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain

Editorial Board

  • Prof. Yaseen Al-Soud (Chemistry) - Al al Bayt University, Jordan
  • Prof. Dumitru Baleanu (Mathematics) - Cankayu University, Turkey
  • Prof. Belkheir Hammouti (Environmental Chemistry) - University Mohammed Premier, Morocco
  • Prof. Shoukry S. Hassan (Mathematics) - University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain
  • Prof. Ji-Huan He (Mathematics) - Soochow University, China
  • Prof. M. Ishaque Khan (Chemistry) - Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
  • Prof. Badiadka Narayana (Environmental Chemistry) - Mangalore University, India
  • Prof. Xiao-Jun Yang (Mathematics) - China University of Mining and Technology, China
  • Prof. Haq Nawaz Bhatti (Physical and Environmental Chemistry) - University of Agriculture, Pakistan
  • Prof. Cemil Tunç (Mathematics) - Van Yuzuncu Yil University, Turkey

International Advisory Editorial Board

  • Prof. Farouk El-Baz (Geology) - Centre for Remote Sensing, Boston University, USA
  • Prof. Mustafa Amr El-Sayed (Chemistry) - Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
  • Prof. Mourad E.H. Ismail (Mathematics) - University of Central Florida, USA
  • Prof. Ahmed Sameh (Computer Science) - Minnesota University, USA
  • Prof. Munir H. Nayfeh (Physics) - Illinois University, USA
  • Prof. Sultan Abu Orabi (Chemistry) - Secretary General of AAU, Jubeyha, Amman, Jordan
  • Prof. Riyad Y. Hamzah (Biochemistry) - President of University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain

Distinguished Advisory Editorial Board

Prof. Ahmed H. Zewail (26 February 1946 - 2 August 2016)


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 271
  • Item
    Baseline Model for Deep Neural Networks in Resource-Constrained Environments: An Empirical Investigation
    (University of Bahrain, 2024-03-10) Careem, Raafi; Gapar Md Johar, Md; Khatibi, Ali; Department of Computer Science & Informatics, Uva Wellassa University; Software Engineering and Digital Innovation Centre, Management and Science University; School of Graduate Studies, Management and Science University; Sri Lanka; Malaysia; Malaysia
    This paper presents an empirical study on advanced Deep Neural Network (DNN) models, with a focus on identifying potential baseline models for efficient deployment in resource-constrained environments (RCE). The systematic evaluation encompasses ten state-of-the-art pre-trained DNN models: ResNet50, InceptionResNetV2, InceptionV3, MobileNet, MobileNetV2, EfficientNetB0, EfficientNetB1, EfficientNetB2, DenseNet121, and Xception, within the context of an RCE setting. Evaluation criteria, such as parameters (indicating model complexity), storage space (reflecting storage requirements), CPU usage time (for real-time applications), and accuracy (reflecting prediction truth), are considered through systematic experimental procedures. The results highlight MobileNet’s excellent trade-off between accuracy and resource requirements, especially in terms of CPU and storage consumption, in experimental scenarios where image predictions are performed on an RCE device. Utilizing the identified baseline model, a new model, GRM-MobileNet, was developed by implementing compound scaling and global average pooling techniques. GRM-MobileNet exhibits a substantial reduction of 23.81% in parameters compared to MobileNet, leading to a model size that is 23.88% smaller. Moreover, GRM-MobileNet demonstrates a significant improvement in accuracy, achieving a remarkable gain of 28.12% over MobileNet. Although the enhancement in inference time for GRM-MobileNet compared to MobileNet is modest at 1.66%, the overall improvements underscore the effectiveness of the employed strategies in enhancing the model’s performance. A future study will examine other model optimization strategies, including factorization and pruning, which ultimately lead to faster inference without compromising accuracy, in an effort to improve the efficiency of the GRM-MobileNet model and its inference time.
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    Quantification and Analysis of Domestic Water Demands and Losses inthe Algerian South
    (University of Bahrain, 2008-12-01) Masmoudi, R.; Kettab, A.
    Demand for drinking domestic water is continuously increasing specially in urban centres which experience high demographic expansion. The decrease of water losses in water supply networks can help preserve such a rare resource. Low number of water meters and intermittent supply make it difficult to quantify the leaking volumes of water. This article presents an analysis of the demand for drinking water based on an extrapolation from a sample of consumers on whom data are available. Comparison of the volumes of water produced allows a determination of the losses in the water supply system. This analysis is completed by measurements of night flows. The results obtained may be relied on for an evaluation of the needsfor drinking water in the South of Algeria, and for future regional development. The study indicates a high rate of water losses in the distribution network, reaching about 44%, and over-consumption due to an insufficient number of water meters and discontinuous supply. It is recommended that water meters come into general use and defective parts of the network are rehabilitated.
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    Impact of Biochemical and Calorific Contents on the Reproductive Activity of the Marine Edible Snail Turbo coronatus Gmelin 1791
    (University of Bahrain, 2008-12-01) Freiji, A.; Al-Sayed, H.
    The edible marine snail Turbo coronatu.s from Shaikh Ebrahim Island spawns mainly in the spring, with a spawning peak in May in which all reserves studied (total proteins, carbohydrates, and total lipids) declined to a seasonal minimum value. A second minor but continuous spawning period was also observed between September and December. Whole, wet and dry tissue weights as well as ash-free dry weight (AFDW) were significantly lower in May and September, whereas water content was maximum in December and minimum in April. Total lipids formed the main reserve, while total proteins and carbohydrates contribution was less. The increased levels of the calorific content per AFDW were due mainly to accumulation of total lipids (42%) and secondly of carbohydrates (37.5%) and total proteins (36%) in the period prior to the major spawning in May, in which gamete maturation usually takes place. The dry weight proportions of the main components were: total proteins 60.97-82.18%; carbohydrates 3.39-9.35%; total lipids 4.00-8.00%; and ash 9.13-18.79%. Calorific content varied between 3.36-4.43 kcal/g dry weight.
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    Calculation of dynamic stresses acting on wind turbine blades using finite element method
    (University of Bahrain, 2008-12-01) Mahri, Z.L.; Rouabah, M.S.
    The aim of this work is the calculation of dynamic loads and stresses acting on wind turbine blades. Theprediction of the dynamic behaviour of the blades constitutes is one of the most important processes in the design of wind turbines. Initially, the blade element theory was used to calculate aerodynamic loads applied on the rotor. This method can be also used to estimate the power coefficient and the total power extracted by the turbine. A modal analysis of the rotor was carried out in order to compute the frequencies and the mode shapes of the blades. This analysis is useful for estimating dynamic loads. Finally, the dynamic stresses were calculated for the root region of the blades using finite element modelling. The resulting curves of stresses versus time, obtained for different wind speeds, may be utilized in a latter study for fatigue analysis, in order to make an optimal choice of blades resistant tofatigue and being energetically efficient.
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    Novel Acetylenic Tricyclic Derivatives with Potential Monoam.inooxidase Inhibitory Activity
    (University of Bahrain, 2008-12-01) Muhi-eldeen, Z.; Finjan, S.; Al-Jubori, I.; Numan, N; Al-kaissi, E.
    A new series of novel N- (4-tert-amino-2-butynyl) dibenzazepine were prepared and characterized by elemental analysis and spectroscopic techniques. Their effect on pentobarbitone sleeping-time in mice was investigated. All compounds showed an increase in the duration of hypnosis induced by pentobarbitone as reflected in prolongation of the sleeping-time relative to the control animals as a result of Monoaminooxidase inhibitory activity
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    Development of a Novel Strategy to Improve the Operation of an Environmentally Friendly Energy System Based on Photovoltaics and Fuel Cells
    (University of Bahrain, 2008-12-01)
    In this present work, a hybrid system, particularly a photovoltaic fuel cell one, in Algeria, is studied. Thefuel cell power supply is a very attractive option to be used with an intermittent power generation source like PV power because the fuel cell power system is characterized with many attractive features such as efficiency, fast load-response, modular production and fuel flexibility. Solar modules have the disadvantage of high initial installation costs. So, different methods have been proposed in the literature to increase the photovoltaic generator (SCA: solar cells array) efficiency. The method, proposed here is based on selecting in real time, the SCA optimum configuration for a given load and given working conditions. This method is supposed to be particularly convenient for all direct coupling between a photovoltaic generator and a load system such as a pumping system. Experimental results strongly confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method. The system is an environmentally friendly solution since it tries maximising the use of a renewable energy source.
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    Harmonic Oscillator In An Infinite N·Dimensional Spherical well
    (University of Bahrain, 2008-12-01) Al-Jaber, Sami A.
    The boundary effects on a quantum system are discussed by examining an N-dimensional harmonic oscillator confined in an impenetrable sperical well. The corrections, due to the boundary and the space dimension, to the ground-stste energy and wave function are calculated by using a linear approximation method which is linear in energy and by numerical method using Mathematica. Our results for the energy corrections obtained by the two methods are in very good agreement. A simple analytical expression for the asymptotic dependence of the ground-state energy on the well radius and on the dimension N is derived. Finally, the pressure needed to compress a free N-dimensional harmonic oscillator to a certain size is computed.
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    Fully developed flow of non-Newtonian fluids in a straight uniform square duct through porous medium
    (University of Bahrain, 2017-06) Devakar, M.; Ramesh, K.; Chouhan, Sagar; Raje, Ankush
    In this paper, we have studied the flow of incompressible fluids in a straight square duct through the porous medium. The couple stress fluid model and Jeffrey fluid model are considered separately to study the flow properties. The governing partial differential equations have been solved numerically using finite difference method in each case. In both the cases, the variation of different flow parameters on the fluid velocity is illustrated graphically and the numerical results for the volume flow rate have been presented through tables. It is observed that, the velocity and volume flow rate decrease with an increase in couple stress parameter and porosity parameter, while the velocity and volume flow rate increase with an increase in Jeffrey parameter and pressure gradient.
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    Quintic spline collocation method for fractional boundary value problems
    (University of Bahrain, 2017-06) Akram, Ghazala; Tariq, Hira
    The spline collocation method is a competent and highly effective mathematical tool for constructing the approximate solutions of boundary value problems arising in science, engineering and mathematical physics. In this paper, a quintic polynomial spline collocation method is employed for a class of fractional boundary value problems (FBVPs). The FBVPs are expressed in terms of Caputo’s fractional derivative in this approach. The consistency relations are derived in order to compute the approximate solutions of FBVPs. Finally, numerical results are given, which demonstrate the effectiveness of the numerical scheme.
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    Solution of mixed integral equation in position and time using spectral relationships
    (University of Bahrain, 2017-06) Abdou, M.A.; Basseem M.,
    n this article, the existence of a unique solution of Fredholm–Volterra integral equation of the second kind is guaranteed. The Fredholm integral term is assumed in position with bad kernel, while the Volterra integral term is considered in time with continuous kernel. Under certain conditions and new discussions, the bad kernel will tend to a logarithmic kernel. Then, using Chebyshev polynomial, a main theorem of spectral relationships of Fredholm integral equation of the first kind with logarithmic kernel multiplying by a smooth kernel is stated and used to obtain numerically the Fredholm–Volterra integral equation of the second kind. Finally, numerical results are obtained and the error, in each case, is computed.