05. Journal of Human Sciences


e-ISSN 1985-8647
DOI: dx.doi.org/10.12785/ijcds
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Abdul Aziz Mohammed Bulela
Email: hssj@uob.edu.bh
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مجلة العلوم الإنسانية مجلة علمية محكَّمة تصدر عن عمادة الدراسات العليا والبحث العلمي بجامعة البحرين. وقد صدر العدد الأول من المجلة في العام 1998. وترحب المجلة بنشر الأبحاث والدراسات العلمية المتخصصة ذات الصلة باللغويات، والأدب، والنقد المقارن، والدراسات الفكرية والفلسفية، والاجتماع، والتاريخ، والجغرافيا، وعلم النفس، والفنون والتراث الشعبي، والأنثروبولوجيا، والآثار، والدراسات الثقافية، وعلوم الاتصال والعلوم السياسية، وتنشر المجلة في مجال الدراسات الإسلامية ما كان متصلاً بالتاريخ الإسلامي والفلسفة الإسلامية، ولا تنشر في مجال الفقه وعلوم الحديث والتفسير والاجتهاد وأصول الدين ونحوها من مجالات الاختصاص الديني الدقيقة.

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  • د. عبدالعزيز محمد بوليلة

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  • د. ضياء عبدالله الكعبي

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  • الاستاذ الدكتور سوزان ستيتكيفيتش

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    In accordance with the following guidelines, the Journal of Human Sciences welcomes for publication research papers and specialized academic studies in the areas of Linguistics, Literature, Comparative Criticism, Philosophy and Human Thought, Sociology, Geography, Education, Arts, Folklore, Anthropology, and Archaeology.

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    Advisory Board

  • Prof. Ebrahim Ghuluom
  • Professor of Modern Criticism, University of Bahrain

  • Advisory Board Members
  • Prof. Muhammad J. Al-Ansari

  • Professor of Islamic Civilization Studies and Modern Thought

  • Dean of The College of Higher Studies, Arabian Gulf University

  • Prof. Kamal Abu Deep

  • Professor Holding the Chair of Modern Literature at the University of Oxford

  • Prof. Jaber Asfour

  • Professor of Modern Criticism, Cairo University

  • Prof. Abdullah AlGhuthami

  • Professor of Theory of Criticism, King Saud University

  • Prof. Rashid Al-Khaldy

  • Director of International Relations Center, University of Chicago

  • Prof. Alawi Al Hashemi, Dean of Faculty of Arts, University of Bahrain

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    Search Results

    Now showing 1 - 10 of 291
    • Item
      Voltaire and Muslims: Tolerance of Difference
      (2021-12-01) Aljenfawi, Khaled; Kuwait University; Kuwait
      Using the Eighteenth-Century British Royal Exchange as his exemplary model, Voltaire seemed to have imagined in his writings that individuals with different cultural and racial backgrounds can use their differences as a basis for tolerance. In Voltaire’s The Dictionnaire Philosophique especially, this improvised space of tolerance based on shared commercial values provides a potential Enlightenment framework where the complex relations between Jews, Muslims, and Christians can still be a context for interaction and cooperation instead of conflicting differences. This paper will explore and discuss the extent to which Voltaire’s views represented actual tolerance of Muslims on one hand, and on the other a focus rather for his challenge to the French Catholic religion at the time.
    • Item
      Sociocultural study of Kuwaiti women’s beliefs of dietary behaviors during the antenatal period
      (2021-12-01) Al-Sejari, Maha; Kuwait University; Kuwait
      Pregnancy is a critical period associated with numerous emotional, physiological, and social changes. Many factors affect pregnant women’s lifestyle behavior during this transitional period and, consequently, impact both the mother’s and the fetus’s life and health outcomes. This is a cross-sectional and descriptive study that aims to identify from a medical anthropological perspective beliefs among Kuwaiti women who had previously been pregnant about food behaviors during the antenatal period. The main study tool is a questionnaire with two components (socio-demographic data and maternal beliefs of dietary habits during pregnancy) with a total of 32 items, distributed using nonrandom sampling to 619 Kuwaiti women. SPSS used for the data analysis. The data show a statistically significant relationship of participants’ age, religious affiliation, ethnic background, and educational level with their cultural beliefs about dietary habits during the antenatal period (P < 0.05).
    • Item
      Poetic Description in the Novel of “Granada: The last fortress”
      (2021-12-01) Khalil, Hana Omar; Isra University; Jordon
      This study aims to approach the poetic description in the novel “Granada: The last fortress” by Dr. Fayez Rashid. The description appears in a variety of levels including progressive, juxtapositional, parallel, and expansive levels. The study also explores the topics and themes of description encompassing the portrayal of places, characters, and the presentation of the descriptive functions in terms of recording, expression, and aesthetics. Finally, the findings and conclusions derived from the study are stated.
    • Item
      Contemporary digital currency: Its nature and relevant jurisdictions
      (2021-12-01) Aljulayel, Albandari Abdullah; Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University; Saudi Arabia
      Encrypted digital currencies have emerged in the modern era and have spread rapidly in the financial markets, which is a new and disturbing phenomenon in the economic medium worldwide. Its emergence has called for evaluating their repercussions at all levels. The opinions were divided into two: those who see them as the new future of money and those who see them as a global economic bomb throughout history .However, they have gained widespread fame in recent times, which requires clarifying the rule of dealing with it legally. The most important results of the research are presented in the following points. First, the digital currencies are a type of currency available only in digital form and have no actual existence. Second, the right of monetary issuance is a special assignment of the State in accordance with its applicable laws. Third, the digital currencies contain the disease of high pricesand therefore they are subject to the provisions of the legitimacy related to cash. Fourth, they also face economic, technical and legal risks, and dealing with them includes ignorance and risk.Therefore, it is not permissible for people to deal with these digital currencies, which do not meet the criteria that are considered legitimate and legal so as to stand against fraud, especially if the ban is supported by a judgment rendered by official authorities that invalidate their wish.
    • Item
      Portuguese presence in the Persian Gulf in the sixteenth century: causes and consequences
      (2021-12-01) Alkhalifa, Abdulla Bin Ali; University of Bahrain; Bahrain
      Portugal was the first European country that was able to reach the Arabian Gulf region via its route to the Indian subcontinent and East Asia. This granted it the opportunity to emerge as a colonial power in the sixteenth century and vie for colonies with other European powers. Its colonial activities began by sending missions under the guise of trade in order to extend its control and influence in the world, as it set its sights on the American continents to the west and Africa and Asia to the east. Portugal was the first European country to covet the bounties of the East by sending its naval fleets to India to monopolize the spice trade and plunder the wealth of the East. The Portuguese colonial presence in the East had led to the establishment of the Portuguese East India Company, accompanied by a modern and heavy military presence, using violence and torture to monopolize the spice trade and the products of Asian countries in general. It then made significant inroads into Arabian Gulf territory between Basra in the north, and Muscat in the south. The colonization of these areas was driven by political, religious, and economic reasons. The abhorrent colonization of the Arabian Gulf region (Yemen, Oman Hormuz, Bahrain) under Portuguese military commander Alfonso Albuquerque, leadership aimed to plunder the region resources and deprive its peoples of them Nevertheless, it ran into serious political and security problems, notably the awakening of the Arab nationalist consciousness in people and the intense rivalry with other colonial powers such as Britain and the Netherlands. These problems were further compounded by issues arising in the management of East India Company, which was running Portuguese commercial transactions, culminating in Portugal’s withdrawal from the scene, hence the loss of spheres of influence.
    • Item
      Research and theorizing in the Media and communication sciences in the Arab countries: -A morphological and prospecting study
      (2021-12-01) Chettah, Mohamed; Al Ain University; UAE
      This study addresses the research and theorizing process in the media and communication sciences in the Arab countries after more than half a century of research in this field through morphological and prospecting approach. It discusses the concepts, terms, objectives and questions of the study, as well as the previous studies, focusing on their most important results, specific additions and shortcomings. Moreover, this study reviews the formation of the scientific research structures in media and communication through the establishment of the departments and colleges of media and communication in the region, and the various bodies that contributed to the production of research in this field, both at the national level and on a broader scale within the Arab world. Further, the study adopted the approach of prospecting along with the morphological approach to address the efforts of theorizing and the contributions made in this field and the main trends that characterized it. The study concludes with a set of results and recommendations to enhance the research and theorizing in the media sciences and communication in the region hoping to develop research and theories in media and communication sciences at the local and global levels.
    • Item
      Investigating Learning Approaches to English Academic Writing: A Case Study of EFL Students
      (2020-12-01) Al-Amri, Majid N.; Taibah University - Madinah- Saudia Arabia; Saudi Arabia
      The present case study was an attempt to investigate learning approaches to English academic writing through lenses of the main learning theories which constitute the traditional, cognitive and socio-cultural approaches. It was carried out on 41 Saudi bachelor’s students in two consecutive academic semesters. They were 18 and 23 students, respectively. Students’ responses were collected through their participations into two different activities. It was found that the majority of the participants (n=34) prefer the traditional approach; 4 students like the traditional and cognitive approaches; and 3 students think that all the three approaches can help them learn academic writing. The study argued that students’ tendency towards the traditional approach is a complicated and multifaceted phenomenon since it is attributed to previous and current teaching practices and exciting students’ commonsensical learning ideas. The study concluded that although there have been many educational and pedagogical reforming attempts to help students become more active and independent inside the college, students still tend towards the traditional learning approach. Thus more critical and persistent educational efforts are needed to enhance exciting teaching practices and the curriculum design.
    • Item
      Al-Jabal Poem: A Study in The Aesthetics of Poetical Meaning
      (2020-12-01) ِAlmarazeeq, Ahmed Gamal Ahmed; University of Tabuk; Saudi Arabia
      The purpose of this paper is to examine al-jabal poem in the light of the text data and the aesthetics of reception. What distinguishes this paper is that it makes the poetic text a means for research and exploration. It, therefore, penetrates into the language of the poem to uncover, through the interpretation, the hidden meanings in al-Andalusi’s approach. The paper is not intended to probe the history of Andalusia in detail but rather to mention part of it when it is necessary and need arises. With the wonders it raises as to life and the references it makes as to death, this poem forms a poetic phenomenon from Andalusia, a phenomenon whose study has once become necessary because of its poetic form which raises the most important issue in the human life and because of its inclusion of the textual gaps that enable us to make new interpretations and open new recurred meanings out of it.
    • Item
      NaSb bi naz3 Alkhaafi D” in Holy Quran: A Study of Syntactic Evolution
      (2020-12-01) AL-Jawabrah, Ali Suliman; TAIBAH UNIVERSITY; Saudi Arabia
      This research paper studies the possibility of the contribution of the theory of syntactic development to interpreting the problem of “NaSb bi naz3 AlkhaafiD”. Some patterns of “NaSb bi naz3 AlkhaafiD” are based on two structures of use. One of them is primary because it is more common and the other is secondary because it is less common. Sometimes the two structures are equally common in use. The ancient grammar books consider one of the structures to be right and the standard version while the other was treated as an anomaly and was attributed poetic necessity, anomaly, or a dialectical variation. The study adopts a different view from the view of the traditional grammarians. In this study, “NaSb bi naz3 AlkhaafiD” is interpreted in light of the theory of syntactic development rather than an anomaly. This interpretation is that one of the two similar structures of “NaSb bi naz3 AlkhaafiD” has evolved from the other in respect to use. One of them is the original structure, and the other is the evolved one. That is, the evolution has generated two different structures، and the inequalities of the two structures are caused by the difference in use.
    • Item
      The Forced Morphemes in The Structure Of The Arabic Language
      (2020-12-01) Marashdeh, Raedah Ali; Jadara University; Jordon
      The study sought to shed light on the forced morpheme using the analytical descriptive method. This type of morphemes is the smallest grammatical unit that has meaning or a grammatical function which exists in the pronunciation and writing, and it is acquired through hearing and it is incorporated into the structure of language without being based on a standard measure of morphological patterns. The study concluded that the forced morpheme can be divided into two types: restricted and free. The study emphasized the arbitrariness of language, as there is no natural link connecting the signifier with the signified in isolation, just as there is no natural link connecting the signifier with the signified within the structure. Speakers of the same language have agreed upon naming specific concepts with specific names, and people have developed a consensus on the arrangement of words within structures according to a specific system that has become prevalent among them throughout specific stages of the language.