05. Journal of Human Sciences


e-ISSN 1985-8647
DOI: dx.doi.org/10.12785/ijcds
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Abdul Aziz Mohammed Bulela
Email: hssj@uob.edu.bh
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مجلة العلوم الإنسانية مجلة علمية محكَّمة تصدر عن عمادة الدراسات العليا والبحث العلمي بجامعة البحرين. وقد صدر العدد الأول من المجلة في العام 1998. وترحب المجلة بنشر الأبحاث والدراسات العلمية المتخصصة ذات الصلة باللغويات، والأدب، والنقد المقارن، والدراسات الفكرية والفلسفية، والاجتماع، والتاريخ، والجغرافيا، وعلم النفس، والفنون والتراث الشعبي، والأنثروبولوجيا، والآثار، والدراسات الثقافية، وعلوم الاتصال والعلوم السياسية، وتنشر المجلة في مجال الدراسات الإسلامية ما كان متصلاً بالتاريخ الإسلامي والفلسفة الإسلامية، ولا تنشر في مجال الفقه وعلوم الحديث والتفسير والاجتهاد وأصول الدين ونحوها من مجالات الاختصاص الديني الدقيقة.

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  • د. عبدالعزيز محمد بوليلة

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  • د. ضياء عبدالله الكعبي

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  • Guidelines for Authors
    In accordance with the following guidelines, the Journal of Human Sciences welcomes for publication research papers and specialized academic studies in the areas of Linguistics, Literature, Comparative Criticism, Philosophy and Human Thought, Sociology, Geography, Education, Arts, Folklore, Anthropology, and Archaeology.

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    University of Bahrain
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    Advisory Board

  • Prof. Ebrahim Ghuluom
  • Professor of Modern Criticism, University of Bahrain

  • Advisory Board Members
  • Prof. Muhammad J. Al-Ansari

  • Professor of Islamic Civilization Studies and Modern Thought

  • Dean of The College of Higher Studies, Arabian Gulf University

  • Prof. Kamal Abu Deep

  • Professor Holding the Chair of Modern Literature at the University of Oxford

  • Prof. Jaber Asfour

  • Professor of Modern Criticism, Cairo University

  • Prof. Abdullah AlGhuthami

  • Professor of Theory of Criticism, King Saud University

  • Prof. Rashid Al-Khaldy

  • Director of International Relations Center, University of Chicago

  • Prof. Alawi Al Hashemi, Dean of Faculty of Arts, University of Bahrain

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    Search Results

    Now showing 1 - 10 of 50
    • Item
      النقد عند هيجل
      (University of Bahrain, 2005) امام، امام عبدالفتاح
      هيجل، النقد
    • Item
      بدو جبال الحجر الإماراتيين: دراسة أنثربولوجية للتخوم الاجتماعية والرمزية
      (University of Bahrain, 2005) يتيم، عبدالله عبدالرحمن
      البدو الحجريون، أهل الحير، جبال الحجر، المساواتية، الإنقسام والرعاية، الهيمنة الذكورية
    • Item
      The Effect of Changing the Trend of Visual Direction on Perception and Comprehension of Arabic Tex
      (University of Bahrain, 2005) Al-Zagool, Emad; Al-Baqoor, Nael
      This study aimed at investigating the effect of reversing the trend of visual direction on perception and comprehension of Arabic text. A sample of 34 students of both sex has been randomly chosen from five classes of Educational Psychology Course and were randomly assigned into two groups; experimental (N=17), and control (N=17). Subject studied five situations (texts) were designed for the purposes of this study. Results have shown that there was significant difference in perception and comprehension process due to reversing the trend of visual direction. No significant difference (µ=0.05) was found on this process due to sex. Discussions have been offered and recommendations were addressed accordingly
    • Item
      Stesses of Life and Their Relationshipe with Some Variables
      (University of Bahrain, 2005) Shamal, Mahmoud
      Studying contributing variables of life stress. This study aims of achieving the following: Identifying the variable to contribute with life stress. The research tries to construct check list to measure life stress. For achieving this study, a random sample has been taken consisting of 513 individuals. After the analysis of data by multiple regression, it was found that the level of life stress, was high. Among the important variables contributing in life stress: Depression, psycho somatic disorders, anxiety, sex and age.
    • Item
      The Ancient Arabic and Islamic Inscriptions on the Rujum North Eastern Part of Al-Shaba in Southern Jordan
      (University of Bahrain, 2005) Kraiem, Jumaa; Maani, Sultan
      The results of an archaeological and epigraphical survey conducted by the authors in the southeastern part of al-Bhdiyah. Mainly in alshahbh region, are included in this research. Old Arabic (Thamudic) and Kufie inscriptions, one of them dated to 150 hijra, were found in the surveyed area. This research is an epigraphical, analytical, and comparative study of the discovered inscriptions in the area. Moreover, new personal names are for the first time recorded in the Thamudic inscriptions
    • Item
      The Relationship between Superstitions and Mental Health
      (University of Bahrain, 2005) Jayed, Zaid A. Kareem
      All societies and cultures of the world have some superstitions that people believe and use for explaining certain events in life. There are people who attribute the causes of some mental diseases to some superstition without finding any causes or treatments. Superstition refers to the primitive stage of the existence of human being, and the construction of group and societies. However, dependency and excessive use of it shows in some how the failure of individual in his adjustment, and it could be considered a sing of abnormality. This research aims to find out the spread of superstition among youth, its relation with mental health, and ages. Two scales were applied on a sample of 412 university students. Results are as follows: 1- There are only ten fiftieth statements of the scale gained the high percentage among the sample, those involved magic, palmistry, omens and evil spirits. 2- females have the higher scores of the superstitions scale whereas males got the higher scores of mental health`s scale. 3- The correlation between the two scales is (-0.39),between mental health and ages is (0.314) whereas between superstitions scale and age is (-0.173).
    • Item
      Parental Chils Abuse, Psychological Maltreament, and Emotional Neglect as Perceived by Children According to Some Demographic Factors
      (University of Bahrain, 2005) Al-Shaibani, Bader E.
      The differential effects of child abuse, psychological maltreatment, and emotional neglect on psychological functioning are not well documented in the Arabic literature. The purpose of the present study is to establish background knowledge of the problem. Second, to examine the parental styles of child abuse, psychological maltreatment, and emotional neglect toward their children. A sample of 1100 undergraduates from Kuwait University where selected for the study. A questionnaire containing 80 items was developed to measure 16th dimensions of abusive and non-abusive parental styles. The study revealed that the sex factor plays a major role in reporting types of maltreatment. Males are more willing to report psychological abuse and emotional neglect incidents than females. Further, statistical analyses results indicated that the level of parental formal education might increase the likelihood of social isolation, neglect and lack of availability toward their children. In addition, the family place of residence (governarate) generates feelings of social isolation among the subjects as well as neglect and lack of availability toward them.
    • Item
      Remarks on the Mutilation of the Figures in Four Selected Byzantine Churches of Jordan
      (University of Bahrain, 2005) Atiat, Taisir M.
      This paper comes as an attempt to determine the apparent difference between the destruction of the repertoire of the human and animal figures represented in the mosaic floor in the Byzantine churches of Jordan. Besides, it endeavors to shed light on the theological crisis related to the famous edict of the Emperor iconoclast Leo III against the veneration of the Christ , the Virgin the Saints and Martyrs. In particular, the paper discusses archaeologically the historical theory related to the existence of an Umayyad edict against the representation of the figures. Furthermore, another attempt will be made as well to specify the responsibility of the destruction. On the bases of the corpus of churches included in this paper, it seems clear that the Christian community had the responsibility in the mutilation of figures in their churches by the remplacemt the figures by crosses.
    • Item
      Historical Study about Subeita and the Inscripition in Northern Church in Palestin-Negev Desert in Byzantine and Islamic periods
      (University of Bahrain, 2005) Al-Jassem, Hashem
      The purpose for this study, historical study about Subeita and the inscription in northern church in Palestine - Negev Desert in Byzantine and Islamic periods. Subeita had a Nabataean origin, but achieved its greatest development in the Byzantine period between the 5th and the 7th centuries. It was abandoned; it seems in about the 9th century. After the Arab Conquered Palestine in 638 AD, the Arab conquerors built a mosque near the south church, the oldest inscription dates back to 583AD and the latest in 679 AD.
    • Item
      الثقافة: ميدان تنظير وممارسة مستقل بذاته
      (University of Bahrain, 2005) الذوادي، محمود
      الثقافة، الفضاء الثقافي