05. Journal of Human Sciences


e-ISSN 1985-8647
DOI: dx.doi.org/10.12785/ijcds
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Abdul Aziz Mohammed Bulela
Email: hssj@uob.edu.bh
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مجلة العلوم الإنسانية مجلة علمية محكَّمة تصدر عن عمادة الدراسات العليا والبحث العلمي بجامعة البحرين. وقد صدر العدد الأول من المجلة في العام 1998. وترحب المجلة بنشر الأبحاث والدراسات العلمية المتخصصة ذات الصلة باللغويات، والأدب، والنقد المقارن، والدراسات الفكرية والفلسفية، والاجتماع، والتاريخ، والجغرافيا، وعلم النفس، والفنون والتراث الشعبي، والأنثروبولوجيا، والآثار، والدراسات الثقافية، وعلوم الاتصال والعلوم السياسية، وتنشر المجلة في مجال الدراسات الإسلامية ما كان متصلاً بالتاريخ الإسلامي والفلسفة الإسلامية، ولا تنشر في مجال الفقه وعلوم الحديث والتفسير والاجتهاد وأصول الدين ونحوها من مجالات الاختصاص الديني الدقيقة.

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  • Editor in Chief
  • د. عبدالعزيز محمد بوليلة

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  • د. ضياء عبدالله الكعبي

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  • الاستاذ الدكتور سوزان ستيتكيفيتش

  • Guidelines for Authors
    In accordance with the following guidelines, the Journal of Human Sciences welcomes for publication research papers and specialized academic studies in the areas of Linguistics, Literature, Comparative Criticism, Philosophy and Human Thought, Sociology, Geography, Education, Arts, Folklore, Anthropology, and Archaeology.

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    University of Bahrain
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    Advisory Board

  • Prof. Ebrahim Ghuluom
  • Professor of Modern Criticism, University of Bahrain

  • Advisory Board Members
  • Prof. Muhammad J. Al-Ansari

  • Professor of Islamic Civilization Studies and Modern Thought

  • Dean of The College of Higher Studies, Arabian Gulf University

  • Prof. Kamal Abu Deep

  • Professor Holding the Chair of Modern Literature at the University of Oxford

  • Prof. Jaber Asfour

  • Professor of Modern Criticism, Cairo University

  • Prof. Abdullah AlGhuthami

  • Professor of Theory of Criticism, King Saud University

  • Prof. Rashid Al-Khaldy

  • Director of International Relations Center, University of Chicago

  • Prof. Alawi Al Hashemi, Dean of Faculty of Arts, University of Bahrain

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    Search Results

    Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
    • Item
      Symbolic Implications of the Feminine Mask: A Study in Al-Arjy’s Poetry
      (2019-06-01) Khalayleh, Mohammad K.; Oliemat, Yousef M.; The Hashemite University; Jordon
      A careful and close reading of Al-Arjy’s poetry reveals that the female constitutes a focal structure in his poetry. Al-Arjy’s structural approach to the image of the woman (the female) in his poetry makes the woman the catalyst of many argumentative issues that have human, existential, and ideological implications. As a result, these issues will be directly related to the cultural and social contexts that created them. Depending on this understanding, the present study will address two strongly related focal points: First: The theoretical part that will investigate the “mask” and its conceptual and terminological dimensions (implications). Then the study will discuss the importance of the “mask” in the recent studies of literary criticism. Second: The practical part that will investigate the semantic transformations of the “mask” in Al-Arjy’s poetry, emphasizing the following implications: The ideological implications of the feminine “mask”. The feminine mask as “the lost good voice”. The recent image of the “negative” woman. The “wedded” woman as “the lost feminine voice”.
    • Item
      Correspondence of the Senses and its Impact on the Building’s of Poetic Image
      (2019-06-01) Al-Kharabsheh, Ali Qasim; Ajloun National University; Jordon
      I have addressed in this study the concept of correspondence as stated by some critics and poets who have tried to lay the foundations for it in modem criticism as an important subject in critical studies. The interest in this term began in the mid – nineteenth century and early twentieth century by a group of Western poets like ‘’Baudelaire and Mlarm “ Their impact was evident in the poems of the poets that came after them , whether Western or Eastern who were affected by the studies on the concept of correspondence and what they read of the poetry related to the construction of the poetic image . Researcher pointed to the importance of this concept as its study leads to the spirit of poetry. It may assist in exploring deeper meanings of the poem. Thus the poetic process becomes disassociated from the senses, be it visual , audio or others. Finally, this concept was of interest to some Arab critics at the present time , which made the researcher to highlight it as one of the most important components of displacement of in the modern poem and its artistic models.
    • Item
      Poem Mask and Bilateral Shuffle (Poem from the leaves of Abu Nawas to Amal Dunqul) model
      (2018-12-01) Ali, Mahmoud Farghali; Dar al-Ulum; Egypt
      Researcher tries through the utilization of some categories of science narrative that reveals some techniques of concealment as a mechanism of mechanism Professional employed by poets Trochee - in particular - and what was the employment of this technique in their poetry, but a desire to get rid of the direct terms and give cloud of uncertainty artwork on their poetry, and the amount of drama on the grounds that the poem which gives the same when the first reading of the poem medium value, as manifested to us through the study the role of technology the mask in the production of the text of an open multi-sounds, signs, separated from reality and is connected at the fabric of the text of a parallel of the event, but rather than richer fingerprints, as well as provide a measure of freedom to the poet to hide and prevention, as it allows identification with the mask of the poet to go into what can not go into it in makes the poem read for the present in a mirror the recent past or distant. Through the model of Amal Dunqul depends researcher before the Dodgers mask: between the poet and the mask, attendance and absence and the objective and subjective ... etc., focusing on some of the reports of the narrative as presented by Gerard Gent and his companions, it is not enough to render eloquent old in the detection of the aesthetics of the kind of poems.
    • Item
      Intertextuality in Arabic Literary Heritage: A Reading in the light of the Theory of Transtextuality
      (University of Bahrain, 2016) Seddar, Noureddine
      How could Arabic criticism identify the interrelatedness of texts? What is the approach critics have used in describing the intertextual relations? What is the best way of checking and categorizing the different manifestations of textual interaction within certain patterns that are subsumed under the rubric of parallel texts? The research has been divided into three sections. The first one starts with background information about the theory of intertextuality in contemporary western critical discourse that will help the researcher to ascertain the meaning of intertextuality in ancient Arabic criticism. The second section will be devoted to shed a good deal of light on terminologies and concepts to discuss literary borrowings through the intertextual critical achievements. In light of the preceding one, the third section will recognize the different stages of textual interaction and its modes in Arabic critical heritage.