The edible marine snail Turbo coronatu.s from Shaikh Ebrahim Island spawns mainly in the spring, with a spawning peak in May in which all reserves studied (total proteins, carbohydrates, and total lipids) declined to a seasonal minimum value. A second minor but continuous spawning period was also observed between September and December. Whole, wet and dry tissue weights as well as ash-free dry weight (AFDW) were significantly lower in May and September, whereas water content was maximum in December and minimum in April. Total lipids formed the main reserve, while total proteins and carbohydrates contribution was less. The increased levels of the calorific content per AFDW were due mainly to accumulation of total lipids (42%) and secondly of carbohydrates (37.5%) and total proteins (36%) in the period prior to the major spawning in May, in which gamete maturation usually takes place. The dry weight proportions of the main components were: total proteins 60.97-82.18%; carbohydrates 3.39-9.35%; total lipids 4.00-8.00%; and ash 9.13-18.79%. Calorific content varied between 3.36-4.43 kcal/g dry weight.