IOT (Internet of Things) type of application is an important challenge. It can be developed for a large variety of fields. However, each thing (device) should be smart device. It is very important in many fields to obtain high-precision positions through an automated GPS (Global Positioning System) data processing; one of these techniques is GAMIT/GLOBK software (Global positionning system At Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Global Kalman filter). All results obtained by Gamit/Globk are satisfied. However, its manipulation and requirements (software and hardware) is difficult, which lead us to adopt a web-based approach for GPS data processing. The aim of this paper is to design and implement a new way (especially for Algerian users) of processing and analyzing of GPS data based on Web services. The users or experts whom desire processing their confidents GPS data by using their models instead of the global existing models can submit data of one or more sessions, and receive the results with the highest accuracy in the real time. In our case and through this solution as a test we will quantify the movements of some GPS permanent stations installed in the North of Algeria, which situated in the boundary of tow tectonic plates: Africa and Eurasian.