University of Bahrain
Scientific Journals

Bankruptcy Prediction Using a GAN-based Data Augmentation Hybrid Model

Show simple item record Manjari Nayak, Sasmita Rout, Minakhi 2024-01-04T12:56:13Z 2024-01-04T12:56:13Z 2024-01-02
dc.description.abstract In order to lower the danger of a company failing, research in the area of bankruptcy prediction is still being done. New effective models are being developed employing a variety of cutting-edge methodologies. However, the majorities of bankruptcy databases are unbalanced and may include unnecessary data. So, creating a powerful, trustworthy model to improve prediction is always a difficult undertaking. We made the forecast in this paper in three stages. In the first stage, we concentrated on balancing the datasets using two well-known methods, SMOTETomek and GAN (Generative Adversarial Network), which generate synthesized data. Then, in the second phase, a selection of pertinent features was extracted using three wrapper-based feature selection methods: step forward feature selection, backward elimination, and recursive feature elimination, as well as five filter methods: dropping constant features, feature selection based on correlation, information gain, Chi-square test, feature importance. These three ANN, CNN, and LSTM models have been used for the third step of actual prediction. After obtaining pertinent information by feature selection from both sampling approaches, the results show that the ANN model has a better capacity for prediction than the other two predictive models. It has been demonstrated that the GAN technique outperforms the SMOTETomek with respect to all three predictive models. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Unversity of Bahrain en_US
dc.subject Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique (SMOTE) SMOTETOmek, Feature Selection (FS), Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), Artificial neural networks (ANN), Long short term memory networks (LSTM), Convolutional neural network (CNN). en_US
dc.title Bankruptcy Prediction Using a GAN-based Data Augmentation Hybrid Model en_US
dc.identifier.doi 10.12785/ijcds/xxxxxx
dc.volume 15 en_US
dc.issue 1 en_US
dc.pagestart 1 en_US
dc.pageend 8 en_US
dc.contributor.authorcountry Odisha, India en_US
dc.contributor.authorcountry Odisha, India en_US
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation School of Computer Engineering, KIIT (Deemed to be) University, Bhubaneswar en_US
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation School of Computer Engineering, KIIT (Deemed to be) University, Bhubaneswar en_US
dc.source.title International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems en_US
dc.abbreviatedsourcetitle IJCDS en_US

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