University of Bahrain
Scientific Journals

Deep learning Approach to Classify Cognitive Workload using Functional Connectivity Features

Show simple item record Khemchandani, Vineeta Singh Chauhan, Alok Ibrahim Khalaf, Osamah Singh Maurya, Jalauk Singh Rathaur, Abhay Algburi, Sameer Hamam, Habib 2024-03-16T13:23:16Z 2024-03-16T13:23:16Z 2024-03-14
dc.identifier.issn 2210-142X
dc.description.abstract The cognitive workload plays a critical role in tasks that require dynamic decision-making and are conducted under high-risk, real-time conditions. A high workload might result in unforeseen and disproportionate dangers, whereas the result of a low workload is disengagement from the activity. This emphasizes the significance of maintaining adequate cognitive effort in high-risk settings to complete the task successfully. In this study, we employ several functional connectivity measurements in conjunction with deep learning to categorize cognitive workload. This study makes use of an Nback EEG dataset. Following pre-processing, functional connectivity features such as phase locking value (PLV), phase lagging index (PLI), and coherency were extracted. These characteristics are directed/non-directed, allowing for speedier calculations. The deep learning classifier CNN utilizes these features to classify the cognitive workload into three categories: low (0-back), medium (2-back), and high (3-back).we achieve the highest accuracy of 93.75 % using PLV in CNN-A architecture, 87.5% accuracy by using Coherency in CNN-A Architecture, and 68.75% using PLI in CNN-A architecture. By leveraging deep learning methods to analyze functional connectivity features, this research opens avenues for understanding and supporting cognitive processes in various domains, including robotics, healthcare, and education. The scope of the study could be extended to explore the possibility of categorizing cognitive effort in complex, real-world situations that occur in real time and involve dynamic and intricate circumstances. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Bahrain en_US
dc.subject EEG, Functional Connectivity, Cognitive workload, CNN en_US
dc.title Deep learning Approach to Classify Cognitive Workload using Functional Connectivity Features en_US
dc.volume 16 en_US
dc.issue 1 en_US
dc.pagestart 1 en_US
dc.pageend 23 en_US
dc.contributor.authorcountry India en_US
dc.contributor.authorcountry India en_US
dc.contributor.authorcountry Iraq en_US
dc.contributor.authorcountry India en_US
dc.contributor.authorcountry India en_US
dc.contributor.authorcountry Iraq en_US
dc.contributor.authorcountry Canada en_US
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation School of Computer Applications and Technology, Galgotias University en_US
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation School of Computer Applications and Technology, Galgotias University en_US
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation Department of Solar, Al-Nahrain Research Center for Renewable Energy, Al-Nahrain University en_US
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation Department of Information Technology, JSS Academy of Technical Education en_US
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation Department of Information Technology, JSS Academy of Technical Education en_US
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation College of Engineering Techniques, Al-Kitab University en_US
dc.contributor.authoraffiliation Uni de Moncton en_US
dc.source.title International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems en_US
dc.abbreviatedsourcetitle IJCDS en_US

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