This paper is an attempt to develop writing assessment in process-based EFL college writing classes, shifting it form product-based to process-based. This is attained through proposing a process-based writing assessment module. The proposed module advocates the idea that in process-based EFL college writing classes, learners' writing competence (i.e. knowledge of writing process strategies) need to be assessed side by side with other writing aspects, through their writing performance (i.e. written product). It has been ascertained that providing EFL college learners with process-based writing instruction enhances their writing performance and assists them to become better writers. However, for such innovative instruction to be effective and prominent, its objectives and content have to be reflected and highlighted in the components of the test to be conducted in the assessment stage.
The process-based module proposed in this study provides innovative testing ideas and techniques, mainly designed to evaluate writing of EFL college learners who had received process-based instruction. The module stresses the assessment of learners' writing competence (writing process) more than their writing performance (written product). The aim beyond such shift of assessment focus (i.e. from product to process), in addition to assessing learners' acquaintance with the various stages and strategies of the writing process, is to draw learners’ and teachers’ attention to the important role of such writing process aspects in producing better writing, as well as to avoid any potential test backwash effect on learners. Furthermore, such shift is expected to enhance writing assessment and help learners become proficient and skilled writers, particularly in EFL college process-based writing classes.