This study aimed at evaluating the manipulation of the higher studies female students in Colleges of Education for girls of the necessary met cognitive skills that should be manipulated through studying the courses. This is done for the sake of developing how to use these skills in perfect way. The study used a list composed of 60 skills that revolve around planning, self-monitoring, and self-evaluation. To know how far the students manipulate these skills, the skills list was applied to a sample of MA students (68) and (72) students who are doing their PhDs in the two faculties of education for girls, Aum AL-Qura University in Makkah AL-MuKaramah and AL-Amera Nourah Bint Abdul-Rahman in Riyadh. The findings of the study showed significant statistical differences in manipulating sub skills in favor of the manipulation with higher for most of the skills. Also, there were significant statistical differences in manipulating the main skills in general in favor of self-evaluation and self-monitoring skills. Moreover, there are significant statistical differences are also found in the manipulation of the planning skill and the skills in general in favor of the Ph.D. candidates and in the manipulation of the planning skills in favor of the Riyadh students. The study suggested visualization for developing the manipulation of higher students of these skills.