The overall objective of this study was to propose a futuristic vision concerning teacher preparation development at the college of Education – Kuwait University, seeking better quality teachers through different procedures and techniques. The admission policy was one concern to be examined including tools measuring students attitudes toward teaching profession, as well as their emotional status (equilibrium). Two main techniques of teacher preparation were discussed in this paper: The integrated system and the consecutive system, giving great emphasis to the integrated system as the most effective one in teacher preparation. The Study also indicated that we should review the recent philosophy of teacher preparation. In that context we proposed two techniques: Graduation Project and Exit Exam, to be implemented ( both of them, or at last one of them) in an extended 5 year teacher preparation program . Professional development is another dimension we should emphasized as a part of teacher training or practice during his preparation, by increasing the period from one semester to one full academic year in order to enhance this part with a full supervision from faculty members at the college of Education - Kuwait University. Finally as part of the continuous professional development, the study suggested giving more emphasis to in-service training as a part parcel of their preparation, and as a way of upgrading as well as enhancing teacher’s knowledge and skills.