The study explored the Predictive Value of social isolation and the big five personal factors for internet addiction. It also explored the differences between the means of high scores and low scores on the measures of social isolation and the big five personal factors that contributed to internet addiction, in addition to exploring the differences in the scores of social isolation, the big five personality factors, and internet addiction measures associated with students' specialization. A volunteered sample of 230 female students answered the scales of social isolation, the big five personal factors, and internet addiction. The validity and reliability of the scales were ensured. Statistical analysis of data revealed significant results as the predictive value of internet addiction was 10% that contributed to social isolation and 12.5% to neuroticism. There was no significant predictability contributed to the rest of personality factors. There were significant differences between the means of social isolation and the main five personality factors of the high and low scores contributed to internet addiction. Finally, there were no statistical significant differences in the scores of social isolation, the main five personal factors, and internet addiction contributed to specialization.