The current study seeks to articulate the different approaches of the qualitative
content analysis method, the sources and types of documents it covers, and the criteria
for selecting documents it deals with. The study utilized twenty-two foreign studies,
adopted the method of inductive content analysis throughout the various stages of
the study, and implemented Zhang and Wildemuth model in coding and classifying
information. Content analysis method was applied to all the studies published in
the Journal of Educational Sciences issued by King Saud University, as well as
the Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences issued by the University
of Bahrain, in order to reveal the different approaches used in applying qualitative
content analysis. The results showed the dominance of two approaches of content
analysis: the traditional inductive approach and the deductive approach. The results
also showed the prevailing of two approaches of the qualitative content analysis
method: the traditional content analysis and the direct content analysis. The results
also indicated the existence of two sources in all documents: the primary sources
and the secondary ones. The types of documents were analyzed and the criteria for
selecting them were also reviewed. The results also showed that the deductive direct
approach was the most implemented one in the Arab research studies published in
both journals mentioned before, and the majority of sources used in this method were
secondary sources while the majority of documents used were offcial documents.
Finally, the results showed that all Arab studies adhered to all criteria required for
using qualitative content analysis method